Dān Jurzōn

Yeah, but the future I desire is being decimated day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute by a rapidly growing world population maniacally committed to shallow, cheap materialistic pursuits which are severely and terminally devastating the fragile, irreplaceable natural ecological and environmental systems which

To be honest, I haven't been "living" for as long as I can remember, this being such a pathetically ignorant, cretinous planet, for the most part. As soon as I realized just what a grotesquely degenerate, depraved thing is humanity—at 10 when I moved to Africa with my family and witnessed first hand just how deeply,

"It was too weird to last" — That's what they said about that Drumpf Troll's campaign. Oy vey, such a pain in my connektigazoink.

Being from Philly, there is never, ever a wrong time to take a big steaming dump on Dallas. And what the hell are those southern redneck shitkicking primadonas doing in the NFC East, anyway? WTF?!!

It did make for good TV.!

Oh, my sister, she's one to talk. Her litany of contagion rivals that of the most cheap, haggard frontier town saloon slut, her mouth alone a veritable incubator of multitudinous legions of yet unidentified virulent infectious agents rendering that wretched orifice a putrid, sour swamp of noxious biochemical waste.

I have no idea what that means, but it's funny!

The "soccer" ball is a perfect sphere of supreme superiority, while your sad misshapen "football" is an oblong suppository, appropriate for a game of such anal compulsions. Yoink!

True, true. Mathew may very well possess an above average intellect. Again I'm being facetious, for the sake of snark. It's a way of life!

You're fired.

I get your draft. Your casement's ajar.

Formerly known as Ayers Rock, I believe. Fuggin whitey!

My take on Sabrina Duong's insouciant petulance, as it were, is that it seemed to me that not just with her Final Jeopardy response but throughout the program she was intentionally and noticeably downplaying her own apparent great intelligence. She seemed to me to be conscious of perhaps being perceived as the cliche

You must be thinking of someone else, perhaps that cavalier dunderheaded fop, Clayton Purdom? Heh heh…

A great unifier, until the drunken enraged fools riot on the streets and burn down their own communities! It's Armageddon!!! Yoink!

Tecumseh made some excellent, well reasoned and eloquently stated points which you ought to recognize as such even if you disagree with his premise, but your only response is to basically grunt like a warthog.

Football is a soothing remedy for the stressed minds of this overworked ever sacred nation; a magical elixir for the overburdened, overtaxed minds which must grapple daily with such daunting challenges as "Bud Light or Bud Light Lime?"

True. Trumpleforeskin deserves nothing but the most grotesque, horrific, inhuman misery, and for it to last a very long time; a very, very long time…

I was being facetious. I know that's not the intent of that scene, at all.

What's this you say? He's set to direct a Blade Runner sequel?! My, oh my, my stars and garters…