Dān Jurzōn

I had a very intense & very, very lengthy debate/argument/troll fest on a Rick & Morty Youtube fan video where the author of the video was decrying the then recent announcement that the show's creators were searching for female script writers. The video author's view was that it was a sad case of the show's creators

Dental Plan! Sorry, I missed my cue.

OK, I gotta plead ignorance, I don't quite get this comment. Is it a reference? A pun? An anagram? A vorshtein?

Trump's debate strategy. Yoink!

You are my local Alchemist.

That sounds kosher.

Yes, it is a very real and substantive difference with respect to that one particular issue, sure, and with respect to other related issues as well. Ad yes, these are two clearly different humans each with drastically varying personal and political philosophies, absolutely. Trump is and always has been a cretinous

You really do believe that, don't you? Well, that's what they're counting on. You do realize, don't you, that her husband was probably this country's most effective Republican President is 60 years. He branded himself a committed Progressive—in the mold of his hero, JFK—but was he really? No, not really…

That's just what we tell ourselves to preserve the illusion of control we so desperately need in order to maintain a sense of worth. We are being so thoroughly deceived and manipulated and led astray by the casual conspiracy of the elite powers that be. Hillary is no less a stooge of the nefarious multinational

You talkin' to me?

Upvoted, for shits & giggles.

And my axe! But not my ex. Screw her!

It gets very thespiany.

"Duskily I turned. Step by step…"

The Absurdly Show.

What if that 4-times-a-week show were on TV?! Remember TV?

And I believe she owes me $4.

La dee fuggin da, lookit Rockafella over here with his fancy "on-screen guide."

It took Stewart a few years to find his voice and make that role all his own. So give Noah a break, people, he's just a sweet young kid trying to make his way in the big bad world of nonsensical news reporting.

Sarcastic much?!