
Spike Lee wishes his team was mediocre at best

He’s there every game. He acts like an idiot sitting in daddy’s seats.....

“I’m just trying to make sure you’re not being harassed!” (As I stand outside the bathroom, waiting to harass you)

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

How long before someone who isn’t stable decides to be the Bathroom Monitor with a semi automatic and someone gets shot. Because this is exactly where this is headed.

So glad we keep finding ways to be an openly bigoted country. Was worried that after nationally recognized same-sex marriage we were going soft there for a second

Rebuttal: The 2003 draft was mercifully shortened by a half hour thanks to teams getting picks in quickly

Tunsil didn’t fuck over his alma mater; his alma mater and NCAA fuck themselves over by still running the scam called college athletic

I’ll still take the 2003 draft when the Vikings missed their pick and teams started bum rushing the stage to try to get their picks in ahead of them

So tragic, another Dolphin getting caught up in the net.

Most entertaining draft night ever!!!

“Now things have gotten worse”

Someone fuckin hates this guy

They called the game off because of one stupid idiot with a firecracker. I hope they caught the dumb ass.

Wouldn’t any law placing term limits on these clowns have to be voted on by said clowns? I would love term limits for all elected officials, I just doubt that’s going to happen anytime soon, if ever.

I said on another post that activists might want to consider organizing campaigns of conspicuous compliance with these laws. I imagine public opinion will turn when people who are too stupid to realize what these laws mandate actually see it in action.

Someone here floated the idea (based on nothing, but kind of logical) that ESPN would go hard after Ian Eagle.

If we’re lucky, Jon Gruden won’t get a companion... he, too, will disappear and I can watch one game a week without hearing anyone talk.

As good as he is at football, I think he’s even better at golf. I was always amped to get up before dawn and listen to him call the action at the British Open.

Wow. Even outside of football, Tirico is one of the best they have IMO. Hopefully NBC finds more stuff for him to do. For ESPN, is the money just all going to Steven A Smith now or what?