
Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.

Lactic acid can’t melt steel beams.


JJ Watt is that guy who always posts they are going to the gym on facebook.

JJ Watt would be a perfect spokesperson for Affliction clothing.

a.k.a., “the airline model”

Um, I just bought Meep Gindle’s new album from this uber-hipster website. Are you telling me I got scammed?

I am old because I have not heard of any of these buzz bands.

festival promoters are aware of this, which is why they sell VIP packages that address all of the downfalls of festivals (air-conditioned tents, private bars, golf carts to each stage, separate bathrooms, private RV/camping areas, hot meals, and private stages/areas). they completely understand the inconveniences of

That picture at the top has me curious: what festival is the Stevie Ray Vaughan zombie playing?

I have spent probably 1/1000th of my life in Virginia and somehow i have managed to get more tickets there then the rest of my life combined.

Insta is Facebook.

Even though Facebook (the site) is clearly on its way out in terms of utility and cultural significance, Facebook (the company) is doing just fine. Many of those alternatives that the kids use now are owned by...Facebook.

Exactly. The kids that came of age when Facebook was cool, are now old, and no longer give a fuck about facebook. And the young kids sure don’t want anything to do with it because their grandparents are on it.

It’s because everyone’s parents signed up to a site that was meant for college life parties. There’s pictures of me doing keg stands from 8 years ago and now people post their children who absolutely no one but their parents give a flying fuck about

“The NCAA is so mad at Kentucky they’ll probably slap another two years’ probation on Cleveland State.” - Jerry Tarkanian

I look forward to Southern Miss getting the death penalty for this while UNC, in which the institution itself created a sham major that served 1000's of athletes over two decades, gets a $500 fine and one year probation.