
Pico projectors have been tried by a couple of manufacturers (including Samsung) and never really took off because they were pretty rubbish. I think the number of people who actually want to project their screen onto the wall is minimal - plus a Chromecast will do almost the same thing but with a lot better quality.

I find the first watch hideous and the second pretty ugly. The third one is nice looking and about the only one of the three I'd ever consider wearing.

I still want to see the return of a newer (cheaper) Sonos controller. I don't like the fact that I have to unlock and give my phone or iPad to a visitor just so they can change the music. Of course I could just get a cheap Moto E and run it on that, but it doesn't come with a dock, needs to be configured to get the

Shame they didn't have a camera and microphone in France so we could see that they heard it.

I would change the rule so that it also replies using a specific template. It doesn't have to be complicated but a simple "Shutting down now" message will do the trick.

Surely the whole debate boils down to, do you want your monthly payments to pay off your bank loan (mortgage) or to pay off someone elses bank loan (rent)?

Now playing

Reminds me of the Tennents Pilsner adverts which were filmed and then played back in reverse. Late 80's or early 90's.

...with the Android Silver scheme said to encourage networks to babysit owners of phones, guarantee the latest version of Android...

It's a shame they appear to have discontinued the Sonos Control.

Lots of people have packages with tonnes of text messages making them, essentially, free or very low cost - however SMS doesn't do anything beyond 1:1 communication in plain old text. So picture sharing and group chats are out.

Comes with a better profit margin for Apple too - considering the bill of materials difference between 8GB and 16GB is less than the £40 saving on the RRP.

I had a friend have this happen to them parked at traffic lights in South Africa. The thief used a spark plug to smash the window, reach in and grab her handbag. Until I saw this video, I wasn't actually sure how that was possible - but now I know!

Does this get around the problem that searching for "from:me" shows the entire chain and not just my emails? Using "from:me in:sent" would seem a reasonable solution but, sadly, that doesn't seem to do anything different!

If you have a Blackberry then look into the "auto on/off" functionality. Mine goes off automatically at 7pm and doesn't come back on again until 8am. That way I don't hear the noises when an email arrives because, as others have said, if it's truly important then someone will call.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (again), if you're going to do a fresh install then at least backup the drivers from your current install. Once you've reinstalled, you can just point Windows to that folder and - ta dah - everything will work again.

Careful, that BT Infinity pricing is quite misleading!

I tend to back up the drivers first on the existing laptop using Double Driver (portable and free) and then point Device Manager to the folder of drivers it created after you do the re-install. It's quicker and easier than downloading all the drivers from the website and installing them one by one - although I

I'm not sure about XBMC but with Windows 7 Media Center the inclusion of a SSD (albeit a small one) really makes things run quicker. Because of that (and the fact I would need to put a DVB-T2 tuner card in the case) I'd probably recommend the SilverStone over the Apex.

I don't think that this logic is much of a jump. It is crazy that Google is paying for other OEMs to build them a device when they own an OEM (Motorola) who are perfectly capable of doing that right now. In fact, I was surprised that the last Nexus was made by LG.

Hopefully it'll also address the ghastly auto-correct. I'm tired of the phone deciding to replace perfectly fine words with ones that make no sense at all or inserting spaces after punctuation or numbers on a seemingly random basis.