Ape Tit for $400

“Based on not a fucking thing.”

So you don’t know. But you’re talking like you know.

This is illegal and was never done in the places I worked. The way we let people know we were closed was by telling them we were closed.

Ironically, “Lock the door” is the most offensive thing about this story. Ifntuats Your take, then you’re saying that these women can’t be expected to respond to being told “We’re closed”. No, they have to be blocked from entering like they’re animals who can’t help themselves.

It is completely normal for a restaurant which has closed for the night to have the door unlocked while earlier diners are still there. In fact, in some (maybe most) states it is illegal to lock the door and serve alcohol.

“This is completely ridiculous. If you do not want anyone else to enter your restaurant, then lock the damn door!“

“Interesting how you assume the manager and the pig are both truthful and reasonable.”

“Sooo this whole thing could’ve been resolved if management said “sorry ladies, the bathrooms are closed”.”

Ok when you set up a Foundation with your name on it to launder the money.


Agreed. As soon as we catch up with the decades of people doing this for the Clinton Foundation, I’m totally down with going after Trump’s guy.

If you could overlook the Clinton Foundation doing this since forever, you can overlook this now.

You think the VFW is going to freak out over a Spanish ship from 400 years ago? Archeological digs on battlefields happen all the time, and it’s human nature that we don’t look at a grave dug 10 years ago the same way we look at one from centuries ago.

Gizmodo is racist. It is a DEEPLY problematic website. We need to talk about it. And unpack it. And Dear white people, .....

Right. Westworld isn’t just throwing random garbage out there for clickbait. If you see something hinted, it will eventually be integrated into the story. Which gets a shitload more credit for “good writing” than just reaching into a random box full of nouns to have appear on screen.

It’s great to make the rule of law really just be a Mean Girls contest of who you like and hate. There’s no way that will ever backfire on you.

There’s probably no aspect of cars more widely misunderstood than “The higher octane gas is the good stuff”.

That’s the point. You are treating something you haven’t heard of like it doesn’t count because you haven’t heard of it.

I sent you a link to their child safety program, and you said they never talk about it.

Spoiler: It’s an island in Chinese territory.