Ape Tit for $400

“That program that NRA never talks about?”

Also remember that Young Man In Black’s brother-in-law was sent off on horseback to be found outside the park. That wasn’t quite explained.

Given the sort of terraforming these people can do (witness what was done in a matter of days for the “new storyline” towards the end of season 1), it’s silly to say the park “couldn’t be” here or there. Maybe they built an island from scratch.

She’s doing her best to simply vanish by going on promo tours of foreign countries and giving interviews there bashing the states which didn’t vote for her.

This is the party that rigged their own primary.

“No longer. They cut that wimp-assed shit out in the ’80s. Now they’re the “sell military hardware to neighbourhood moms’n’dads” brigade“

This stuff is encoded anyway, so unless you have the key, it’s a bunch of nonsense.

You’ll need to give them a stern warning.

The founders only had sailboats, and no one needs a boat with an engine.

When TLC came out, it was actually The Learning Channel. Science and history shows galore. Now, wtf is it?

You didn’t read the article.

They’d better ban the Koran while they’re at it.

How does Kylo Ren know who Rey’s parents are?

so are you telling me that in fact, they do not live in tree houses?

Well, none of that is what I want.

Her family pretty much flat-out told the cops this was going to happen, and they found her in her car yesterday. Unfortunately, the NRA swooped in with an invisible helicopter and rescued her before they could take her in for an evaluation or see if she had a gun on her.

If you use “cuck” enough, does the iphone stop auto-correcting the F-bomb to “Ducking”?

(just like how, for instance, gun apologists love to bring up Chicago and its supposedly tough gun laws, ignoring the fact that most guns in Chicago flow in from neighboring Indiana, which has some of the loosest gun laws in the nation.)

Note to those of you who aren’t “Ammo-sexuals”, as the oh-so-clever people (just ask them!) put it:

The ammo-sexuals among us can get off on boring old semi auto rifles and can quit pretending to play soldier.