Ape Tit for $400

California has some of the most strict gun laws in the country. I’m open to conversation, but what are your suggestions?

Have the thoughts and prayers started yet?.. I want to make sure I do my part!

America’s corruption is the worst in the world

Last I checked, way more people live in Miami than Greenland so we’re not talking an equitable set of consequences.

Think of all the pristine polar habitat destroyed to make way for the old growth rainforests of the Pacific Northwest.

What’s going on at his hairline?

I think we should be trying to terraform the sahara into usable land. We keep talking about how we have to go live on mars but I’ve yet to see any attempt to turn the vast deserts on our own planet into something useful

and Musk ain’t going to sell-off his gigafactory IP and EV drivetrain IP that easily.

Yeah but still

Meanwhile, you’d get murdered if that was Mohammed.

In fairness to him, the last time I was current on his shit was the early 90's.

I’m not saying he should be shot into the sun for his crimes.

He did trick people, as far as stealing “tributing”, at the time, other peoples’ art without crediting it. I’m not saying that he wouldn’t have been famous without it, but he did do some shady stuff. He also claimed full credit for creating Cable, which became a bit of a scandal at the time.

That’s all fair, but I was just pointing out that the issue with Liefeld goes beyond his style, into actual lack of ability and talent.


“He looks grim”

Let’s start a “Me too” group for people exposed to his garbage in 1992.

He probably drives a Bentley earned by selling crap to stupid kids and getting insanely rich doing it in his 20's, so the least he can do is be nice.

Where was the cross-hatching?