Adult Here

This. The Traviss-era Mandalorians started off well, but spiraled out of control. The idea of non-powered persons struggling to challenge themselves against superior foes for the sake of honor I find compelling; far less so every Mando being a Super Saiyan and the Jedi being portrayed as cartoonishly evil. I also found

The problem with Traviss’ books is that, while everything in the article is largely accurate and she does deserve a great deal of credit for fleshing out the Clone Troopers as complex, unique characters...

I don’t like how all these apology statements talk about how the person may have “hurt” other people and other communities. When minorities are angry, we are not angry because we are victims, like we are weak people to are slighted by the smallest breeze. We are angry because you disrespected us. You signaled that you

So, you’re saying we can make zombies now?

You’re a Photo Harry

She is so due. She deserved to be Wonder Woman. But she keeps being sabotaged by horrible, sexist writing, from Wonder Woman to Lady Jaye. That Seth McFarlane was able to give her one of meatiest role to date sjows how underused she is.

She’s like the female Mark Sheppard, reliable actor dipping into all these scifi franchises, playing cult/favorite characters. but never really headlining anything.

Not trying to be condescending, just trying to have an honest discussion: How is making PvP exclusive rewards any different than making raid exclusive rewards, or exclusive rewards for Grandmaster Nightfalls?

I mean you literally can’t complete most raid mechanics with 3 people. Nobody is stopping you from going into the raids with 3 people, it’s done all the time, but in general you’re going to have a bad time trying to solve encounters that were explicitly designed to require the coordination of 4+ people.

> Why can’t these “fun and interesting” tasks be completed by the standard sized fireteam?

“I’m not an MMO person”

It’s a raid, so yes you should have to. And its only 5 others, try pretty much any other game where the minimum is 10. The encounters are fun and interesting because they are designed around 6 people doing functions together as a whole.

The sad thing is that the PvE portion of the game is in a pretty great spot right now. The new season has a lot of cool new guns and perks, the new secret mission that dropped on Tuesday was phenomenal, lots of quality of life improvements have made the game more enjoyable overall, etc...

Your comment is funny.

I was pretty sure it was a joke until the update, and I’m still not sure.

I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.

I’m glad you updated. Chun Li is from Tekken 3 for those wondering.

As someone that regularly criticizes Disney for not taking any chances and making safe, predictable movies, I have to say that this at least looks kind of interesting compared to their usual output. I can’t say that I’m sold, but I could be convinced if the reviews are good.

It's interesting how this week's commercial implies that the people on the outskirts of town are wasting away towards death. Just as the kid stranded on the island can't open the yogurt and starves to death, the inactive people can't feed or care for themselves and are slowly dying.

This isn’t new to those of us who were honored to be the film strip projector operators in elementary/middle school in the 80's.