Adult Here

I’d consider it more charity than reward. Things are going to get a lot uglier for her before they get better.

Really? A quick google search of “teacher fired for racist comments” implies having a teaching degree does not impart any special wisdom. :)

Do you help protect the KFC secret recipe?

Yeah... about that... I have a GSuite account and have from the very start of Google Apps, because it lets me use my own personalized domain for email, etc. That is my “personal account”.

Except the movie is inspired by Southeast Asian cultures. It’s extremely weird that everyone here is saying it’s inspired by China when it’s explicitly and visually connected with many of the countries you just named.

It doesn’t matter. This is the kind of thing that shouldn’t be happening to any consumers, full-stop. It’s the exact scenario sceptics of Stadia pointed to from day one; you only ‘own’ things as long as Google lets you access their services.

For it to have happened to a developer they’re actively working with - given

It’s very likely, actually. He probably set up his personal account to be able to access the developer console for Android. and that’s not his sole reason. His reasoning is that Google doesn’t value its customers and partners, something I cannot disagree.


Neutral: the most Elon thing Elon could do related to Bitcoin is make the promise that Tesla will start accepting Bitcoin for payment this year, accept Dogecoin 3 years from now instead, and then claim his promise was met.

Listen buddy, I saw a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on the shelf at a game shop years ago. I didn’t buy it but let me tell you, looking at the cover picture taught me a lot about the legals and the briefs, so I think I’m qualified to say that this is a clear-cut win for the claim-man against the bad-team, for a

I think what we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.

Sadly, doesn’t seem to be true of the GT350s... They’re still selling used for almost the exact same price they launched at.

i would have guess double for a special edition no longer in production, but no idea how popular these are.

Ehm not really. You could buy a game and if you stop subscribing to the Pro version, you can still play it.

I mean, I’d say that it’s a bit of both. My sister and brother-in-law just got Starlink internet because despite living in fairly close-in suburbs of a reasonably large town, their house is too far off the road for the cable company to connect them. They relied on DSL for a long time, but it was barely good enough to

Somehow I don’t think any of us are surprised.

no, they die from being affixed to the snow

If they don’t have Elizabeth Olsen channeling Full House for that decade’s sitcom, that is a complete waste of a useless but hilarious meta.  It’s even an ABC show.

Because Olsen was talking about how the cast went through a sitcom “boot camp” to prepare for the show, and one of the things she mentioned was that in the ‘90s and the ‘00s even the family-themed shows got cynical and sarcastic, citing Malcolm in the Middle as an example. That gives some indication of where the