Adult Here

This is design hubris.

Ha. Clearly a pretty major event, but to the OPs point, this is a 10-episode season and that took one of them. I think his examples have merit, which could be why it feels like Ep 10 just has too much ground to possibly cover.

You did see the ep where Earth was wrecked by three asteroids right? 

Every scene in this ep is an Emmy reel for multiple categories.

Got to give a shoutout to the tracking firefight scene that involved an exterior location, one 100% practical set (the door and hallway) and one set that had some green screen (the hangar) BRAVO.

Book fans, we know what’s coming next, non book fans, prepare

The shuttle escape scene was brilliant. I knew from the books that they get away, but oof, that was good telly. I hope I’m not the only one who shouted “FUCKERS!” when they shot Hutch. I really liked Hutch. And oh the scene when they punched it and the little fuckers fleeing for their lives...

ah, damn ya got me! 

My dude, it was a joke. I know what I have, tech security expert.

Totally fine. I'm only riding it for the dad jokes.

They were basically banned from anything GM for a couple years after the Corvette C7 leak.

A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst

For me, I would want the smallest possible truck. I’m not a farmer.

I like that the memo about leaks...was leaked.

When the Bronco leaks came out, like got really annoying at work. I’m in preproduction builds and I usually take a lot of photos of the quality of the parts or interference issues, etc... to show to management or whatever team needs to help with the fix. When the leak happened, everyone got paranoid about who was

“You’re an idiot if you leak photos. BTW, send us your leaks!”

it would be far more satisfying if true legal action is taken while he is still in office.

My wager is on Saudi Arabia, Israel, or one of the Gulf States, to live out the remainder of his life in exile there, like Idi Amin.

They seemed to be pretty good at it last summer. 

Scotland has said he’s not welcome due to their Covid restrictions.

I was less horrified by the events yesterday and more by the vast numbers of people that apparently didn’t see it coming. (And also the lack of appropriate response. Those morons should have been gassed before breaching the Capitol.)

Why is this video filmed as a documentary?