
Four awful people can still be good friends and still awful people... you don’t think Elon Musk has friends who are also awful? Ok, maybe bad example... not sure he has any actual friends. 

Well, Jerry had a Mac, so I guess he wasn’t PC. I don’t know what computer if any the other characters had.

This is giving big “It’s gonna be a Super Bowl ad” energy

The problem is that every episode acknowledges this, as at least one of them suffers some kind of consequences. So to bring up their past misdeeds and punishing them again just feels unnecessary.

The Longest Yard, O Brother Where Art Thou, I Love You Philip Morris, and Bronson - among others - would disagree with this sentiment.

Well, there were people who thought the abrupt ending was some technical malfunction, despite the perfect syncopation to the music and the immediate credit roll.  After all the hype of “this audience is so sophisticated”, it was revealing how many of them were actually dolts.

Jerry goes to the bathroom at Monk’s, cut to black. “Don’t Stop Believin’ starts playing...

The finale overall just wasn’t funny. Like, it’s almost laugh-free. Them ending up in jail wasn’t the issue; it was that the last episode just had no creative juice to it. It was like the writers just went:

What’s the deal with the Seinfeld finale? I’ll tell you why it landed with a thud. If you were watching it the night it aired, there was an hour long clip show that ran before it, and then however many minutes into the final episode, the plot vanishes and we’re just in a courtroom recapping past incidents again. So

It’s really the only thing that would make sense in the context of those characters. A brief complaint about how hard it was for them, followed by quickly moving on, having learned nothing.

A good biopic narrows its scope.  The new Napoleon movie is basically his entire adult life in two hours and 30 minutes and that's about as roundabout an example of not narrowing your scope.  If you include too many other things it will either dilute the overall themes or stretch the runtime and cause pacing issues. 

I’ve been to ground zero in Hiroshima. Anyone who thinks it is still radioactive has their head up their ass. Thousands of people walk through it every day, and the Peace museum is right next door. There is no part of Hiroshima that is not safe to visit.

Would Spike really feel a need to belabor the obvious?
I’m gonna g’head ‘n say “Yes”.

Your friend’s quite the mercenary. I wonder if he cares about anything...or anyone.

You didn’t not care, then?

Did he date Taylor Swift? Was he a contestant on ‘The Masked Singer’? If not, then nope.

It does seem ridiculous and wasteful for studios to invest so heavily in hundred million dollar projects, seemingly at the expense of smaller, lower-budget projects. I certainly don’t think we’re getting better movies from it.

Actually, touching someone exposed to high doses of radiation can cause radiation sickness. It depends on the type of radiation and the amount of time between their exposure and the contact.

I haven’t seen Oppenheimer, but I imagine anyone with even a passing understanding of WWII history would know that things weren’t a barrel of laughs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Aug. 1945.  Would Spike really feel a need to belabor the obvious?

People are radioactive.  Is he referring to the test site or like Japan as a whole?  If the latter, he does realize that due to the bombs being air dropped, the city itself isn't radioactive.  The immediate weeks and months did result in horrible damage short and long term but its not permanently like this, its not