
Greendale Hearts of Darkness

At this point it feels like there’s enough material to make a movie about the struggle to make the Community movie.

A testament to all of our hubris and our brilliance and our stupidity and our majesty,

Are you Bono?

Hey, maybe this will be the thing that finally distracts us so much that we forget once and for all that billionaire shitbags continue to be the source of 99% of humanity’s problems.

I bank with Bank of Montreal and yesterday while calling them they asked me if I want to set up voice recognition on my account I was like “No..... that’s a very bad idea with AI”. I was stunned.

We gotta kill everyone advocating for this shit before it's too late

“Hi, I’m Tom Hanks. This dental insurance company has lost all credibility, so they’re borrowing some of mine!”

You’re doing it wrong.

Ridiculous take

When they die you throw all of your movies in to a bonfire as sort of a second funeral to the fallen.

Do you stop watching shows when someone has died or has cancer?

Of course, the same way you can sexually harass a stranger on the street or a teenage boy can sexually harass an adult. A power imbalance makes it more severe but it’s not a necessary component

I look forward to the many AV Club thinkpieces astonished when people turn on hundreds of Moonlighting reruns for background noise and the total hours “watched” exceeds those of some new streaming show with two episodes total.

Michael Cera has stated time and again how he doesn’t like being famous, and that he deliberately stepped out of the spotlight because of it. So any ‘stall’ in his career was self-inflicted.

Is it really “easy to forget,” as the article asserts, that Justin Timberlake is a really famous popstar? And has his career really “cratered,” or “crumbled?” My sense is that it’s not especially surprisingly that a 42-year-old who has been famous for more than two decades is no longer the hottest name in music, but

Sheriff: We, uh, have reason to believe the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur was carried out by an upper and lower banner. I urge everyone to be cautious around any banners, flags, or any other type of suspended cloth bearing a symbol, logo, or other message. Thank you.

the man’s been dead longer than he lived.

Murderer: I killed a guy.
* five years later *
Police: We finally figured out who killed that guy!

A guy who has repeatedly admitted his involvement on several different platforms? It’s always the guy you least suspsect. Let’s all applaud the Vegas PD and their swift attention to resolving this case and making an arrest a mere 27 years after the crime. 2pac was alive for less time than has passed since his murder.