
Food and a warm place is big but in LA they also offer connections in the industry which is a huge draw  

And missed less.

Somehow my father, who was astonished that “they” allowed the “documentary” Ancient Aliens to be aired and actually enjoyed Hubbard’s god awful fiction, read Dianetics and realized it was bullshit. A certified conspiracy nut who I am doing my best to push away from Q propaganda recognized that Scientology was a scam.

30 years? He’s going to be locked almost as long as Shelley Miscavige.

“The Church has no policy prohibiting or discouraging members from reporting criminal conduct of anyone—Scientologists or not—to law enforcement. Quite the opposite, Church policy explicitly demands Scientologists abide by all laws of the land. All allegations to the contrary are totally FALSE.”

It’s nice to have some fluffy feelgood news now and again

See now I thought residuals were a way to reward the most profitable writers and actors, not as a way to keep people afloat after the job is done. Similar to profit sharing or a commission for salespeople. I imagined it just worked as a support system in practice. What was the original intention of the system? If it

I’m not sure what you mean by “pennies on the dollar”. If the artists are paid every dollar of profit a consumer pays for a product then there’s no money for anyone else. Employees have to make their employer more than their pay for the business to be profitable. Unless you own the business everyone works for pennies


Let’s take the most prosaic of things. A house. Right. It’s a simple thing that people get paid wages to build. And, depending on the house, it can last quite a while. Decades at the very least, up to centuries for some residences. Heck, I’m sure there are buildings in Rome or Beijing ot elsewhere that have been

Saying Netflix should pay artificially more than something is worth makes no sense to me. Netflix should pay whatever the fair market rate for the shows are to the producers. For popular shows like The Office, we know that can get into the nine-figures. And then the producers of the show that get that money should

I don’t see how streamers make enough money to pay residuals. For it to work, they’d need to either charge per episode/movie or (more likely) start advertising and become exactly like networks.

Because most products aren’t infinitely reusable”

The entire software industry would like a word.

Yes, residuals are a special unique facet of the tv and movie industry. I’m just pointing out that it *is* rare and unique and most jobs don’t work that way.

most products aren’t infinitely reusable

Genuine question - for licensed content, shouldn’t it be whoever owns the right to the show that is paying the actors residuals from whatever licensing fees they collect from Netflix or Hulu or whoever? I don’t really understand the concept of Netflix themselves paying actors they never hired for shows they bought

TONS of products are infinitely reusable. Software is a good example. Salaried devs might all combine to make a product that keeps getting licensed for decades but they still just get the one fixed salary.

This is a bad way of describing it because that’s still how everything works in life except for actors. When you’re a software engineer for a company and write software, you get paid a salary once even if that piece of software keeps getting used by people for 30 years afterward.

I get what you’re trying to say, but you DO realize that’s exactly how most jobs work, right?

He didn’t compliment her beaver until she was 18.