
I’m going to guess the unifying feature of these is that not many people watched them.

The Temple of Doom says hi. Any movie that’s 30% a woman screaming is a 100% headache in my book.

The film was given an ovation by top men.

Meanwhile, people who are me are already dreading weeks of hype/anti-hype/hot takes, and are perfectly content to not really spend much time thinking about this movie until they see it, and then they’ll discuss it for a bit, and then they’ll move on to more important things.

One could argue it always has been.

I’ll rewatch the shit out of The Revenant.

She was quadriplegic

It is never that easy with abusers and you’re being disingenuous.

I don’t get where you’re seeing that this was all very above-board and agreed on in advance. Even proper dom/sub relationships generally involve clear and explicit boundaries and, like, exits. People can be manipulative and coercive in ways that aren’t all about physical force, and I’d suggest that if multiple women

ok yes, I see how a woman crying as she sucked on a famous guy’s penis and he says ‘If you just do everything I say, it’ll all be OK.’ is a typical scene in a just world where we’re all adults and nobody should feel bad because we all get what we deserve

Once, noticing my shoe was untied, I jokingly told my then-girlfriend to tie it for me. She did, and I found it unbearably awkward and weird. I couldn’t imagine getting any actual enjoyment out of people demeaning themselves like that. 

I hope you don’t spend your entire life under the delusion that you are yourself because you decided to be that way. Because not only is it patently false, it’s exceedingly ungrateful.

So what you’re saying is: you don’t understand how psychological abuse works, and because you don’t understand it you’re going to assume it’s not real and everyone just chose to be abused? Be a little more humble and learn about something before dismissing it - you sound like a total dolt.

Whitney the show was really regressive too with her always worried if her loser boyfriend was still into her & being insecure

It’s a choice to value money? Try that at the grocery store checkout.

Him??? is he funny or something?

“full transparency” doesn’t excuse behavior that leverages power dynamics involving authority, fame, money, or age (or other imbalances in status)

How dare you try to present people with facts!

Hardly spoke” does not equal “says 1148 words”.

Considering certain people have taken to throwing around the word “groomer” as an insult, I thought I’d point out that this is actually what grooming looks like. Grooming is not something that happens to child watching a dude in drag read a book for a few minutes. It’s persistent, it’s intimate, and it’s usually coerce