
Ah, yes. The type of friend where you lose “privileged access” when you talk about the one and only thing that dominates their entire life.

Reading this article made me nervous for Peggy’s safety. 

Tom Cruise is friends with people who shine his piece and don’t question him.

This very site published, and then reposted as an update, an article that was full of tweets of conspiracies about Foxx. The calls are coming from inside the house.

and no help from human resources when those issues were reported”

Agreeeeeee. Sure, these are celebrities we don’t actually know—it’s completely possible Kelly Clarkson is a huge shitbag behind the scenes. But between Ellen’s hyper-cheerful schtick and “Kelly doesn’t know” coming from the victims (not Kelly herself), this article feels weird.

I feel like there’s a difference between Ellen saying she had no clue and ex-employees specifically speaking up about poor treatment stating that Kelly Clarkson didn’t. It’s weird to compare Ellen’s claims to victims talking about Clarkson.

While the whole “throwing staplers” thing is excessive, a lot of these kinds of articles that spin a yarn about a toxic workplace in showbiz definitely describe probably 90+% of workplaces in the US. That’s not a good thing, but if we’re gonna shine a light behind the scenes of talk shows, it’s worth mentioning how

My job sucks too. Management blows 

If the academic consensus is that Cleopatra was fair-skinned and Hellenic, then I will bow to that consensus. But as far as I’m concerned, Santa Claus is still Black.

Theres plenty of outage for Ancient Aliens.  Ask any historian, archeologist or even someone who liked when the History Channel wasn't shit will rant for hours.  But its been around since 2011 so basically everything that could be said has been said.

Its an annoying mixture of this is a genuine historical concern and the creators are clearly in the wrong, and its unleashed a horde of racists that use history as a crutch in order to be cruel, see also Battlefield 5.

Well when you have talking heads who are historians with PHDs, its not unreasonable to assume it'll be at least somewhat historically accurate. 

That’s like asking why someone was more outraged at the allegations they had an affair than allegations they killed Julius Caesar with a photon torpedo.

Will there be boobs?

While the US theatrical cut has its uncomfortable moments, the director’s cut really ramps up the creep factor.

I never really got it was a romance movie at all. What I took from it was this girl lost her family, mostly shitty except her little brother, and ended up being given care and consideration by this man. Since she never felt that sort of connection with anyone except her brother, she was confused by what it meant and

Honestly it’s been very striking how dismissive people have been toward Egyptian reactions to this in every single article. Like there is absolutely racism and antiblackness in North Africa, at the same time it seems remarkably shitty to lump Egyptians who push back about the portrayal of their own history in with

academic discussion of ancient history

“Why do some people need Cleopatra to be white?” the show’s director, Tina Gharavi, wrote in an op-ed piece defending the casting in Variety online last month. “Perhaps it’s not just that I’ve directed a series that portrays Cleopatra as Black, but that I have asked Egyptians to see themselves as Africans, and they