
If you don't call getting fed a condition.

If you have to go read the book to get it, the show has failed.

I was thinking I agreed with you, but then I remembered how many seasons of walking dead I watched.

I hate Matt as a person for the reasons you state, but those are also the reasons he's so fun to watch.

Monkey brain was way more fun.

Ah, ok. I was thinking you were complaining about it being dark at all, but sounds like more the style of darkness you take issue with. That's fair. I haven't watched enough of the series yet to say whether I agree or not, but I understand where you're coming from.

Ever read the series? The books had some real terrible things happen.

Yeah, I was thinking so too. Catherine had always been shown as a bit of a flake and that look of excitement in a show like this couldn't have been an accident.

Or there is no machine, so either way you answer they say you answered wrong.

Well, Dave. That was unexpected.

Yeah, I hope she does end up running again. It's kind of feeling like a fish out of water at the moment.

I actually found that part about him well done. People that far gone from substance abuse generally don't have much if any personality left to speak of.

Awkwafina is still active? Huh.

"Yeah, her songs are terrible!"

Well the dogs infiltrated the government, and you can't really expect a well reasoned response from dogs.

I don't think that's completely what honorary oscars are about though. I think a good comparison to Harrison Ford would be Cary Grant. A long successful career, but more played a type really well and appeared in a number of iconic movies than was an actor of great artistic value. He got his honorary oscar in 1970.

At least they had to give Mylene the better song. That Toy Box shit was painful.

Yeah, I had many of the same issues the reviewer did with this season and this episode but the reviews were much too harsh. There was a lot to like as well. I'd say season as a whole was a B- with this episode a B.

Which they somehow made more annoying by shortening to Shosh.

Woo! Ex-nazarene high five!