
Geena Davis was so miscast in that. She just can't do action. She moves so painfully slow in her action sequences. I like her in other stuff. As an action star she was just too unbelievable, and I'm accepting of a great deal of unbelievability in my action heroes. But if chunky, unathletic me can move faster, that's a

I've thought she looks like Greta Scacchi.

I know.

You're proud of him? What are you, his father?

I'm not that classy.

Half a dozen? Have you ever listened to rap?

Music has an unaddressed terrible lyrics problem.

My dick kazoo, for instance.

I'm not a fan. Bunts are just giving away outs.

Stop. All you're doing is making me hungry.

That depends. What size bird and what kind of tree?

I used to think like you, and then I found people putting mayonnaise on pizza. There are things in this world which are pure evil and we should not stand for them in a civilized society!

Could be good.

Some pizzas don't have cheese and some pizzas don't have sauce, so your definition of pizza is inaccurate.

My name is just the sound of wind through leaves.

The reason was in their comment. The other 8 hitters are major league quality hitters, while pitchers usually hit as well as me.

I do hate this article. Which is why I said I agree with chocolate chips. But my hating this article doesn't change how I feel about Bill Maher.

I'd say he doesn't hate on Muslims specifically, or maybe a better word would be exclusively, but he does hate on religions.

Essentially I agree with you. But I still despise Bill Maher.

Yeah, Eternal Sunshine might be my favorite movie on this list, but the romance part? Not its strong suit.