
Oh. Beasts. Well, guess I'll have to keep finding great boobies on my own.

No, but they have purchased some mary jane on it.

Does this mean I've missed my chance to sell my baby?

I'm assuming the prompt means watch a movie once, since if I hate a movie I'm not going to watch it again just to see an actor I like.
Classic actors- I'd watch anything with Cary Grant, Steve McQueen, Jimmy Stewart, and Humphrey Bogart.
Still active- I'll always give a Tom Hanks movie a chance. Maybe Denzel as well.

Kevin Kline was in 8 Mile?

Hm. Never really had strong feelings either way about Pinkerton. A little surprised it hadn't hit a million sold before now. All the cool kids loved it when I was in my teens/twenties, so I would pretend to love it while thinking, meh, it's alright. That it didn't reach platinum til now makes me think I wasn't the

Aw. I really was sort of ok with the pilot, and I fully kinda intended to watch the rest eventually.

There's starting to be the kind of internet backlash against Jared Leto that has become common against certain people lately. Can't we just admit some people are talented artists, and at the same time are dildos who we should ignore when they aren't creating art?

What exactly is his band derivative of? Using derivative in a perjoritive sense.

I mean, I guess if looking sad while having sex shows great talent Fassbender should have won.

I'm not even sure what this would mean.

Maybe this will help?…
Now, clearly this is an auto correct mistake where I mean idealized, but your question either means you're a complete fucking idiot or you're more interested in ad hominems than the actual debate, so I think I'll just stop here.

From that article: In Japan, the movie opened on Dec. 6, and has since been met with box office enthusiasm and generally favorable reviews. ''With his pursuit of realism director Edward Zwick seeks to surmount the misunderstandings and biases made by Westerners in the past,'' wrote Noriki Ishitobi in the Asahi

Did they? If they had a problem with an idolized version of samurai they've hated practically every movie about samurai ever made. I really feel like a citation is needed here. I live in Japan and have never picked up on any negative vibes from that movie.

Checks out. Sounds like a record store clerk in the 90s.

The Coens are great at writing dumb people. William H. Macy in Fargo might well be my favorite portrayal of a stupid person all time.

Come on. Write an article defending nu metal and I could see it. But Limp Bizkit? That's the cross you're going to die on?

Is that where you forget about the existence of brad hall?

One Hot Minute is an album only a hipster could like.

Well, it could be said every hair on his head has been harmed. But they'll grow back.