
But why would you believe someone who made something interesting before is incapable of making something interesting again? And if they were able to cast (insert favorite thespian here) you're telling me you wouldn't watch? That's insane.

But the thing about this format is, make interesting enough casting choices and people will come back.
To me the cancellation doesn't make a lot of sense. I suspect there are factors we don't know that played a big role in this decision.

Well, it wouldn't be George RR if it didn't have sexualized punishment.

Something was wrong with 8th grade you.

Japanese doesn't have a v sound, so not really.

I've lived in Japan for over 8 years and never seen anyone dressed as Santa.

Funny. But the log could have quite useful information unrelated to the pirates. For example, other places it might have stopped and found to be safe or not.
Not sure how likely it is the show will do that. Your version might be more likely.

Right? I really don't get some of the vitriol on av club towards this show. Is it the best show on tv? No. But it's very rarely boring, something that can't be said for very many shows. I'm looking forward to the new season.

Meh, his father already flew me to the moon and told me what spring is like on jupiter and mars.

It would seem the series has gotten a lot more serious.

This show is Ramsay, my childhood is Sansa, and I'm Reek- forced to watch.

I have to assume you're talking about the part that reads "Wildcats is about how spunky Hawn is and how cute it's supposed to be that this little woman can make all those great big football players do what she says." Which would be a problem, except this is his criticism of the movie. This is why it's a bad movie-

It's sexist now to not like this movie? I was confused by the accusation that Ebert was "throwing sexist shade" as that sounds pretty different from the Ebert I know. So I went back and read his review. Nope. Still confused.


The road series probably informed my sense of humor as much as anything growing up. Of course like all comedies of the era you'll probably have to ignore something offensive, but the funny parts are just too funny to be forgotten.

I think your second paragraph is the point the author is missing. Almost any film that is able to attract big names and have people spend millions on producing it has a kernal of an interesting idea in there somewhere. Does the film pull it off is by far the more important question, and the answer in this case is a

That's why I hate my son.

We would be happy to have you.

She looks like Rodney Dangerfield?

Yeah, me too at first. Spent a long time trying to think where the Eisenhower library is. Answer: Abiline, Kansas.