In order for them to take my outrage seriously, I have to qualify it by including a litany of all the other “more serious” issues that outrage me. It’s fun!
In order for them to take my outrage seriously, I have to qualify it by including a litany of all the other “more serious” issues that outrage me. It’s fun!
Oh, bottomless wells!
Actually, I think we can buy those now? And, according to most of the GOP, we would still be women. it a win/win or a lose/lose?
He gave me a very nice “oh, of course, of course words matter” response. I could almost see the “sweetie” at the end of it.
My own dear mother, of whom I am very fond and from whom I inherited nearly all of my feminist liberal bitchitude, is resolutely voting third party and posting about it ALL THE TIME. But I can’t bring myself to unfollow. You do it for me!
This exact exchange is happening on my FB feed right now.
Fact: Red Lobster is indeed gross.
She has just about the best sneer in the business
It’s peak Ryan Reynolds, if you’re into that sort of thing (I am totally into that sort of thing). Plus: Parker Posey and Triple H as vampires is some kind of genius-level casting matched only by Robert Patrick as the villain in The Marine.
Blade 2 over Blade Trinity?
Can’t I be both?
I really REALLY loved Garden State the first time I saw it, and that’s another that doesn’t really hold up.
I was coming off my super nerdy otaku Japan-loving phase when I watched Lost in Translation and maybe that’s why I couldn’t get into the “lostness” of it as much.
Also overrated: Stepbrothers, Old School, and the entire run of Seinfeld.
Guys! I found Toby Ziegler’s kinja handle!
I recall Lost in Translation having some real pacing issues too, but that might be because I am immune to the charms of ScarJo in panties.