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I have to show off here: just two weeks ago i got one of these for a day (journo, test-fleet car), and i got to say, it ain't small.

I don't get you guys. You featured a masturbatory piece not so long ago declaring the Boxter version of this same car the perfect sportscar, and now that Porsche gives you the coupe, you say its a cocks' car...?

Now playing

Its allready 14:32 where i read you, but still perfect for my afterlunch caffeine. And btw, the obligate link re: E39 M5

I cannot even begin to read. Even on the photgraphic evidence this thing reeks win, and i cannot stop clicking NP!

These are the stunts you get, when your pres/mp is a trained agent ruling a country desperately looking for a father figure. Nothing to laugh about, but its still a pr stunt, owt more.

A stereo. Cheers you up, when you're down, sets you into the groove, when you're in the mood, and the right road with the right soundtrack makes any car feel special.

@maximum_sarge: The interesting thing is, and this should go out to almost all replying here, that where i live in central yurrup, the 100 has an incredible granite reputation. So much so, that people congratulate me on the street, or from a passing bike, and tell me how highly they regard my choice of wheels.

@maximum_sarge: And mine is in fact well loaded with electronics. OK, i was optimistic up untill now, it is getting the axe sooner than later. I got used to everything working on my 92 accord. I just dunno what i would buy in its place, as the 100 is extremely good car for what it is.

@maximum_sarge: I said i beleive so.... mine gives me all kinds of problems too, and it ain't even a turbo. OK then, screw that, i just wonder how they got their renomé of being indestructible, when they clearly aren't.

Audi C3. Even though i am in the middle of an Audi 100 2.3e ownership, and its far from the reliability geinus i hoped it would be, at least its supposed to be utterly bulletproof, and i am prety damn sure well-cared for examples are. Mine was prety close to a banger, when bought, which would explain the pain in the

This. Not a bad car in itself, but fails spectacularly when measured against the predecessor.

That looks....

I am not of American origin, which might go some way in explaining, that i somehow i allways knew of the Trans-Am, but only learned about the Camaro much later, and thus, as a kid i thought the Camaro is the ofspring and the Pontiac is the original. Will probably allways remain thus for me, so much so, that a firey

@Ray Wert: OK then, cheers. A new Bronco yould be the thing, that's for sure, and, from me to FoE, something alog the lines of the Capri wouldn't go amiss either. Just to show Toyota, how this affordable rwd coupe thing's done.

@Ray Wert: Even though normally I agree with you on both accounts, I have a distinct feeling now, that Ford got into the black by killing off those exact modells, at least partially. So in a sense, you give them a snack today for the same deed you told them off for during last weekend ([]

Hm. Dear Jalopnik, please when you post a boast about Ford profits, please do link the rants you have about Ford killing modells you like. I do see a correlation here, or am i alone?

Oh yeah baby, right on. NP, even if the turbo needs looking at.

@Tiberiuswise: Ask amsterdamians about it, they'll be able to tell if that's so.