This registration *is* for radio controlled airplanes, helicopters, quadcopter, etc.
This registration *is* for radio controlled airplanes, helicopters, quadcopter, etc.
Stand firm in your convictions!
No, its not a recurring fee. It is a $5 single charge, with renewal required after 3 years. The fee is refunded for people who register before tomorrow.
Timely write-up, Mr. Novak.
“They only use plutonium-238 in RTGs though, the lesser of the evil.”
I’ve read enough of Matt Novak’s articles to know that these posts about an upcoming giant winter storm are Internet hoaxes.
Most plants have the capabilities of both geotropism (growing up based on gravity) and phototropism (growing towards the light).
Scott Kelly thought he’d scienced us.
“There are TONS of would be engineers out there that are on the internet RIGHT NOW”
The reservoir is small potatoes compared to the snow pack. The reservoir is just a buffer to smooth things out as melts come in surges for the snowpack. It’s the snowpack that’s the big water storage to get through the year.
“Why don’t we just take water from the ocean and desalinate it?”
“Wait... when did they expand the meaning of piracy to include paying for content?”
“Netflix as the root cause behind types of piracy—which is exactly what hammering for a VPN ban reeks of”
Haven’t seen this before? It’s a Christmas and New Year’s tradition. Usually the road flares are put on the poles or hand held so they are higher up and provide better illumination, but the effect is the same - shadows move and jump around as the light source goes down the hill with the skier. Get a whole slope full…
I think Mr. Chan has a bat phobia.
Excellent desensitization therapy.
Not so sure how it would handle the heavy winds whipping through the halls of a house on fire, or the sustained temperatures, compared to that blowtorch, but that wall climbing trick is pretty sweet.
We didn’t call it parkour, either. It was popular but it was called “running and jumping” or “playing outside.”
Just a normal part of everyone’s usual bat-utility belt, right?
No difference. Cosmonauts have the same problem as astronauts if they raise their visor. Just because they are from a different country doesn’t change physics and biology.