More Silver Than Grey

I’m not a big fan of Cars, but The Incredibles was pretty average.


For $2k? Sure, why not

Beats driving a clapped out rust bucket with death wobble.

Not just liberals.

True, but you know I’m right.

Holy shit!


No one misses the Ford Ranger.

You don’t get paid by the click.

Maybe not so much with the slavery jokes. They aren’t that funny to a lot of your readers.

It sounds better than your Yugo, but not by much.

Amen. You don’t know what happened before you got there. Plus, who died and made you the parking lot police?

You just know it tastes like seven kinds of ass. Plus, someone’s hand have been on every square inch of it.

No, I am simply logical.

No Maverick Lane? ;(

That’s a really stupid slogan.

Sometimes you can take irrational sentimementality too far.


You don’t want that pig, son.