More Silver Than Grey

Damn you.

Maybe don’t do acid in public?

You have bad, ignorant opinions.


Poutine is an abomination.

Really? I did not know that.

I never hated the Aztek, but the tent thing is just embarrassing.

We’ve seen what you drive. ‘Nuff said.

Some of us don’t enjoy travel that much. Besides, you probably forgot to budget for cocaine.

True, but I’d have fun joining this car.

Birth control?

Just a bit of advice for you in the future: nurses are lovely people but generally terrible statisticians.

Being this wrong AND blaming Jobs for his cancer is super-duper offensive.

Goddamn, you’re creepy and you suck.

For $4700 I can spend a weekend with twin Vietnamese hookers or see a Red Sox game. What’s your point?

Yeah, I’d like it better at $3500, but these cars are a blast.


I stopped reading after you admitted you were wearing a motorcycle helmet because your wife made you.

Wasps are evil.

I’ll still take rodents living in my car over wasps.