
Non of ya’ll are gonna like me saying this”

You’re right, but not for the reason you think.

Did you see the report about how he wrote an email and signed a woman’s name and sent it from her email account...

And then when there was backlash he put out a statement throwing said woman under the bus by calling “her” tone deaf in “her” response?

Like... can you imagine your boss writing an email, sending it from

Let’s be real, threatening to have an employee murdered and actively protecting people accused (and in one reported case, proven) of sexual assault ABSOLUTELY deserves being fired. Those are only A HANDFUL of the allegations against him.

He’s been in charge of this company for DECADES. The entire point of his obscenely high salary is that he is constantly claiming that everything the company does is related to him. You don’t get to claim credit for decades of success and say you weren’t responsible for the decades of abuse. Kotick even has a level of

That’s what the last 6 months could have been for.

He thinks he can ride it out. No other explanation. He thinks we'll forget and move on and he can keep his vanity job.

It’s been really awful to see the level of usability and freedom to manipulate the site/content continuously go down as Wikia transformed into Fandom. RIP to pretty much all of the rigorously maintained communities that were originally under its umbrella. It’s even worse to see them gradually buy out and absorb

I remember when there were so many independent wikis—UESPWiki for Elder Scrolls, Nukapedia for Fallout, Wowpedia for World of Warcraft, Memory Alpha for Star Trek, etc.—that either existed before Wikia or had forked themselves from it. And they shared one thing in common: they absolutely, unequivocally despised Wikia.

Since I may not get the chance again soon I’d just like to say it really frustrates me how so many groups just up and quit on building their own sites and instead have turned to hosting everything on Fandom’s platform, because it really and truly sucks. Autoplaying videos are my biggest bugbear but the overwhelming

Yes a celebrity who has been criticized for not understanding what life is like for poor people throwing a party around a show where rich people throw away BILLIONS of dollars for entertainment at the expense of those whose lives are so desperate that they would be willing to die for even a chance at receiving even a

Were the seahorses left behind a symbol/metaphor? Just wondering.

I was in a similar boat. I spent a lot of time traveling to my ex’s island, and she sent me a lot of items on ACNH. When we broke up, I dealt with it by making a second account on the island with an avatar who looked nothing like me and didn’t have my name, and dumped all the items she gave me in the second

My co-worker had to start a new island entirely because her character name was her ex’s nickname for her, and I assume you just flat-out can’t change your name in-game. But helping her put together some seed money for turnips, and hopping back and forth to whoever’s island has the better turnip prices for the week,

I haven’t been to my island in a year also, though I didn’t share it w/ my current partner I have often thought of asking her to play. We play Destiny 2 all the time but the thought of breaking up and then having to separate our things in a game as well as real life is too much to bare thinking of. I’m finally going

I’m currently where you were at with ACNH before. My ex left me in May and I’ve not had the desire nor need to revisit our island. I know all our villagers will ask me about them and I still can’t deal with that. It was their decision to buy the game in the first place and they poured a lot of their time into building

They didn’t really lose them though. They fired them, because Vince and his Hivemind are greedy, petty, shortsighted assholes.

There’s things that can be done.

This is horrible, and also outrageous that something like his was permitted to go on during the pandemic. Everyone that survived should probably go into quarantine since Texas is our own little petri-dish of anti-vacc COVID deniers.