i care about your boner

You guys, set a Google alert. Bill dick pics coming, and I have never been more excited. Holla!!!!!!


Yeah. bobby wrong. Iggy lost.

Surely there’s a better way to criticize what she’s doing than using tried-and-true gendered insults.

If you started the survey by saying it was anonymous (as most interviewers do) what right would you have to do that. Besides,there’s a world of difference between having a problem with lgbt as a concept and saying you’d harm them,so what would you be reporting? A thought crime?

If wishes were horses, we’d all be shoveling a lot more shit.

Escorts in the men’s room, eh? Must be the Secret Service, and I bet you were in the Colombia branch office?

You should look up where the money from wildlife tags goes to.

It could be quite accurate. Historically, the division has been between “conservationists” and “preservationists.” The latter are more like what we now associate with “environmentalism”; that is, protecting nature from rapacious humans. Conservationists, on the other hand, were more about conserving nature for future

  • Speaking of Kim, this photo makes me uncomfortable. [Radar Online]

This movie looks fucking awful, like every Fantastic 4 movie/tv show before it. Let it die already.

When you think about it, it makes sense that he cut his teeth with pros.

Finding a way to mention Bill Cosby was a really nice touch. Effectively associating a serial rapist with men at the Starbucks that just wanted to know if you’d be interested in a quick sit-and-spin in the back of his Rubicon.

While we’re at it, can we stop calling tips “hacks”?!?!

So why didn’t you get the v8?

Umm a cabin in the woods with the only two movies being Blue Velvet and Kids... That screams GTFO to me.

You can talk to your kids about sex and drugs without taking them to a drug fueled orgy

The only time i saw this movie i was high, i do not recommend watching this really at all