
I think it was just a long way to ask for a gif party, honestly.


They say they don’t want men dressed like women alone in bathrooms with little girls.

He founded the Peace Corps and was the first white student at Howard? Hell, I’m 38 and I think I want to marry him.

First of all, whether the actor looks like the character honestly has nothing to do with whitewashing, that’s been rehashed a million times.

The problem with people leaving it up to mother nature to naturally immunize their special snowflakes: mother nature is harsh, cruel, and will kill off your little ones if they are not strong enough to fight off whooping cough. Thats kind of how it works. Nature is not all Wholefoods and corn-syrup free, locally

Only Americans believe this. Borrowed from Merricat’s post:

But the problem is, it DOESNT go in both directions. It is never even. White actors always win out. How many Asian actors are out there, not getting jobs because they are Asian? There are many Asian actresses that could have played this role but they didn’t get it because Scarlett Johansson is playing a character

I wish they had just taken the general setting of Ghost In The Shell and just transferred it to America and named her Major Mary Kimble, or something like that. Scarlett Johansson is a good choice to play that style character, given that she’s good at being vaguely unsettling, but there’s nothing really about that

What the science fair will look like if Cruz takes office

I was pretty sure the White House Science Fair was an Obama administration invention and it was. First one ever was in 2010. Won’t be the same without him there, tbh. But what an experience for these kids.

I hope the next president nominates him to the Supreme Court and the GOP has to eat shit and approve the appointment.

There’s a million reasons why I love of our President. Last week, I got another one. I volunteer with this program in Chicago that pairs you up with a third-grader to work on their reading skills for an hour every Wednesday. You get to work with the same student for a year. Anyway, we were reading this book on China

It’s so beautiful...

Also in DC, also blanched at the prices. The babysitting is a great deal but steak frites should NOT be $45. And this coming from someone who almost exclusively shops at Whole Foods and has been known to knock back a $15 cocktail or two on occasion.

Let’s give it up for dogs at parties. The true heroes.

As a graphic designer, AAAAAGH, AGH, MAKE IT STOP, JESUS GOD.

um yes as the ‘first lady’ of the largest city in the nation yes you do need a staff