
Personally, I thought that the biggest winner here was Logan.

Maya’s mysterious kingpin of an uncle is still to be revealed”

Generally speaking, viruses have one goal: survive and replicate.

Time and time again, the immutable law of Silicon Valley is that there is no money in social media.

I’m of two minds here.

“most of the GQP rank and file are just gullible idiots with a propensity towards evil if it’s easy. Does that mean they deserve to die?”

I have a 2070 that drives everything just fine. Maybe something comes out between now and EOY 2022 that changes that equation, but unless Samsung releases an Odyssey G10 that’s 65" wide and costs less than a grand, I doubt it.

I kind of wonder when Shiv is going to turn on Logan. It’s coming - she’s been on the outs since the dinner last season. Logan keeps trying out his kids to see if anyone meets with his approval - first Kendall, then Shiv, now Roman - but none of them are him, so of course they’re not going to live up to that.

Temuera Morrison was supposed to be at Star Wars Celebration 2019 in Chicago and I had tickets to get his autograph. He had to cancel, and now I am very disappointed that I never got the chance.

It’s a pretty good looking game with a so-so story and systems that are two to three generations out of date. It suffers greatly when it’s not being played on anything current gen. Expecting it to become anything other than what it is is setting yourself up for disappointment.

I’m quietly expecting Rogue Squadron to be shelved over “creative differences” as well. Namely, that Patty Jenkins isn’t that creative and that is different from most major film directors.

There’s something to be said for an obligate carnivore that successfully domesticated an apex predator into a symbiotic relationship without actually doing anything to make that happen from an evolutionary perspective.

Yup. This was my first thought as well.

I remember back in the day playing a game called Freelancer. For the time, it was ambitious and good looking and really interesting, the problem is that at some point it just kind of... stopped.

If you ever wanted evidence that democracy was probably a bad idea, here’s proof: these people can vote, and do vote consistently.

Halo Infinite previews the Battle Pass: “Holy shit, this looks great! Destiny 2 needs to copy this!”

Mark my words: Lady Gaga is going to be the next EGOT. The Oscar was probably the toughest lift for her professionally - I could totally see her getting an Emmy for something random and a Tony is pretty much a foregone conclusion if she ever dips her toes into Broadway.

“Shitty person remains shitty after suffering no consequences! More on this after news and sports, at 11.”

Except a Democrat wouldn’t, and hasn’t.

Faster, sure. But there’s always a business decision between “How much/long will it take for us to do this?” versus “How much will we get from doing it?”