Mic Drop

Not so!

They’re too shortsighted to care.

Silva and Bolsanero aren’t trying to provide medical care and clean water to anyone. It's an excuse to steal their land and trash it. Indigenous Amazonians can continue hunt, fish, and preserve their cultures, while integrating into contemporary society. Many are.

Holy Rudyard Kipling!

Well, shit. I wish I could be surprised, but I’m not. I’ve said it before, I’m gonna say it again: Greed is the only relevant Deadly Sin left. And as the others, i.e., Lust, Gluttony, have fallen away in importance, Greed seems to have risen up and is on the verge of destroying not just our societies, but the home

Myopism”, Selfishness, Shortsighted Thinking... Anger...Hate.... Hubris?

Kind of shocked by this.

Someone needs to explain to Nick Underhill what the fuck “undertones” are. Usually they are slightly subtler. 

That’s the implication. That him having dreadlocks had anything whatsoever to do with him being in a gang.

The phrase “let me cut off his dreadlocks.” and then the part about it being symbolic makes it seem like this was talked about and encouraged by the charity. That dreadlocks are a symbol of “gangbanging” or some other bullshit. Its just an ignorant (willfully) white woman thinking she knows what’s best. Not to mention

I feel she (and possibly the kid who asked for the haircut) are definitely implying that locks are part of bad living and cutting them off means you're finally leaving delinquency behind. That's a terribly rude and stupid point of view. Whatever that kid was into, his hair didn't make him do it or keep him from

The fact that she thinks it’s just hair, demonstrates that she lacks even a basic understanding of black culture and black lives, but she wants to lift them up? Please. 

I was merely insinuating that despite all of his, in my opinion, unworthy respect, that Jay-Z doesn’t really give a fuck about any of this because $.

Okay, and sure, but – from whom to whom? Are you telling me Roger Goddell told Jay – who, I will reiterate, is wearing locs himself – something like “I will give you another billion dollars if you and Roc Nation give a Trump-supporter running a foundation $200K and tell her to encourage kids to cut their locs off,

especially since “Jigga Man” is sporting a dreadlock aesthetic these days

Centrist subservience is also political speech

Because it kind of works against modern business practices, the drafting quoted is antiquated at best. Diversity is of particular value in tech, if you don’t let that be expressed you don’t get the value.

Google, the company that strived not to be evil, but has slowly turned evil.

Clearly FB is a criminal enterprise.