Green Acres

“There I was, enjoying a light repast at the Applebuddies club, engaging in a fine and stimulating discussion of Amanda McKittrick Ros’s brilliant use of simile and metaphor, when suddenly what should assault my ears but some jenny foreigner defiling the rarefied air of our great nation with her native tongue! Well I

We could find out that he falsified his medical license his entire career and he’d still increase in the polls.

West Point is in New York... how? That’s not west.

maybe he didn’t apply to west point because he thought it was mainly used as grain storage?

We’re on it!

the only thing worse then working IT for a living is doing free IT for friends and family:0

Something I don’t understand: isn’t the idea that if you believe in whatever the evangelicals preach, you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven when the apocalypse happens.

Probably a curling game published by EA Sports. That would explain the arms

Eh, Crystal Star is still a far, far greater crime against humanity than Courtship ever was.

Maybe that’s how they do it in Canada?

Weird place, Canada.

“QI is the Best British Show Ever and America Needs to Leave It The Hell Alone.”

Corgill has taught for over 20 years and is nationally certified. The school hired her for second grade and then moved her to the fifth (not at her request). According to Corgill, they told her she would have to pay for certification.

They also give an insanely immersive and gripping game with awesome unforgettable gameplay and an incredible framework for which the modders can do their work, not just the ability to do so.


I sort of like a world where Duke gets the shaft from the refs.

That’s why this is a really dangerous thing for them to open this up. Either they make it look like they favor one team over the other, or they admit they don’t really care about erroneous calls except on the last play when the game is undecided.

I think some of them are naive, but that most of them understand and have no problem passing this as a surveillance bill—but they’ll change their votes if it becomes a politically toxic thing to do. Hence encouraging everyone to speak out.

I don’t know, those look more like Indian Jones skills to me.