Moe Khan

That’s just beautiful.

I dunno if I’m already too late to the party, but I have/had a theory about the Esprit. Their prices were pretty decent a year or so ago while everyone was going gaga over NSXs, and Ferrari prices were through the roof. I thought the Esprit was the next best thing, with a properly historic name, and the perfect

I could dig it if they used slightly less of that lemon yellow.

The Ring Brothers make the most badass-looking cars on the planet. I’ve heard some of them aren’t functionally great, which does bum me out a bit, but I’m never going to buy one so I’m glad they exist for me to stare at endlessly.

Speaking of which, isn’t that what the Eagle brand was? The Eagle Vision was effectively an AMC right?

I gave up on The Grand Tour and Top Gear a long time ago. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I still took up an opportunity to be at a live filming of the Grand Tour when they came to my city, but I’m just not feeling it anymore.

Watched Mighty Car Mods’ “Kei to the City” last night though, and LOVED it. I don’t even care

Neither are available in my market, also the i3s interior is so, so attractive.

Wait, I remember reading that BMW thought the i sub-brand had outlived its purpose, and that they were going to reintegrate the brand and its leanings into the mainstream line. Now I’m seeing updated i3s (about to finally go on sale where I live, and I’m actually thinking about one), i8s, and new variants?

Nah, I’m the kind of guy that’ll tell interesting stories about the vegetables so the kids actually want to eat them.

Seriously though, you guys need to do the Crack Pipe Long Termer.

How is this a bad thing?

I’ve never seen a 124 in person, so I can’t say more than it looks pretty in pictures. But I have seen the MX5, and the it’s one of the prettiest roadsters on the road. Particularly the RF...I might trade my 86 in for that when I’m ready to let the Toybaru go.

The Voyager pick-up looks like fun too.

Maybe if they created content like this, they could move to a Patreon model. Or maybe fund this entire idea on Patreon.

IMO, that’s done the right way. Japanese engineering, Italian style on top. Though I personally think the Japanese “out-styled” the Italians this time.

Thanks. I was actually reading the comments on this post, and started thinking, “Everyone’s calling it a Crack Pipe. What if someone actually bought it, and it was awesome/awful?”

You know what’d be awesome, and I’m sure someone’s said this before.
- Journalist suggest Nice Price or Crack Pipe car
- Audience actually votes, not just comments
- Jalopnik gives money to journalist to buy absurd car
- Journalist must run car for a minimum of six months as daily, and create regular social media content

I love the story. The Japanese make reliable cars, and the Italians make beautiful cars. Let’s put the two together...except let the Italians do the engineering and the Japanese do the styling. Brilliant. Can’t believe no one’s done that before.

I come to Jalopnik for MEH Car Monday...basically. Best thing you guys do. Also, is it weird that I find the Talbot weirdly endearing?

The idea behind the video was very cool, and it started off well, but overall it was like a 2.5-3/5. Wasn’t nearly as exciting as I’d hoped. Split screen action needed to be there.

I think there’s a difference between “still looks great” and “doesn’t look old.” The E39 5-Series, for example, is more of the former without the latter. It’s an undoubtedly handsome car, but it’s clearly from another era.

Exotics tend to age better IMO because many of them are so far out there to start with. The