@TheMonkeyKing: "...the smoke comes out of the mouth and nose."
@TheMonkeyKing: "...the smoke comes out of the mouth and nose."
@AreWeThereYeti: Thank you for that rejoinder. I agree, that response was rude.
@berbar: Agreed. Take the beans to peak flavor and just keep going, to char. Ack.
@bdieseldorff: Yes. They should have done it as a wiki.
Dan Ariely ("Stuff Your Brain Says", [danariely.com] says our brains are not terribly rational in how we judge immediate pain or gain, relative to future. We quite regularly choose satisfaction now that we know sacrifices much greater results in the future.
I was expecting iOS4 would give my 3G (not s) phone folders for the apps. But it's not there. Is that feature only for 3GS- and 4-hardware? I hadn't thought so but the foldered apps are nowhere to be seen.
@Brazell: Sad. It gets worse. Go to the site and look at a few previous strips and the imitation is even more apparent. It rips off the style, the tone, but isn't as clever.
@thevpuli: No. When I said a battery charger is an amp each, misspoke. They're a small fraction of that. To overload a 15 A circuit would take 1800 watts. A big battery charger is maybe 25 W.
@Sketch242: I agree. The big over-ear electronic noise cancellers like the Bose aren't worth the weight and space. Bose in particular are a lot of $ for the sound quality.
@billy61: What I usu do i cook a serious meal on the weekends and freeze / refrigerate portions. Choose meals like lasagna, meatloaf, chili, etc that freeze well and you can have another few meals during the week. It's not cooking every day, but you can cover half your week this way.
@minjin: Yes, he's older but he's much thinner and more fit. A lot of the newer shows have featured healthier cuisine.
@mfusion: Or he would feed the sage to the dog and ... um, ok, now it's out of hand.
@SlappyFrog: Good point! If you text the boss, he can now text you! "Slappy, we need you to come in on Saturday. Just for a few hours."
For many things in life, it's smart to take your cues from others. That doesn't mean you have to conform and grovel to The Man; it means you should know what's going on and decide with knowledge. If everyone wears a suit to the office and you wear jeans, probably not so good. If everyone wears jeans and you suit up,…
@lockdog: Good suggestion.
@teh: All electronic devices have to be off but you can still wear ear plugs or in-ear 'phones without playing music.
My number one air travel hint is simple: In-ear 'phones that isolate you from most of the noise. I was surprised the first time I used them, at how much of the airplane fatigue is actually from the constant noise. The noise reduction leaves me feeling much fresher and more alert.
@Kevin Drum: I read that diatomaceous earth works because it's abrasive. It grinds up their exoskeletons.
This worked fine until we were invaded by hop-scotching ants. Nature is so clever.