My main defense is to use a sharp knife (which breaks fewer cells, releasing less hydrogen sulfide) and working quickly.
My main defense is to use a sharp knife (which breaks fewer cells, releasing less hydrogen sulfide) and working quickly.
@artemisjaeger: Yes. As I mentioned above, hydrogen sulfide gas, released by the onions, combines with the water in your eyes to make sulfuric acid. Dunk them in water and the gas is captured by the water (and the resulting acid is very dilute).
@dapipminmonkey: No, it's the hydrogen sulfide gas, released by the onions, combining with the water in your eyes to make sulfuric acid.
@Firesphere: I doubt it will affect the flavor. Not a lot will pass through the cell walls other than water.
@TheFu: In tests by Cook's Illustrated, they found that goggles work. Reason is that the sting is caused by hydrogen sulfide gas, released by the onions, combining with the water in your eyes to make sulfuric acid. Contacts and goggles prevent the H2S from meeting the H2O.
@Lyrandian: Well said. I understand that IT has a responsibility to keep systems secure but I think they are triggering unintended consequences, which the Post-It comment was meant to convey.
re: Corp security overkill, don't get me started! I happen to have a rant on my blog, from two days ago:
@CHEEZCOLA: Well?? Did it work?
Dishwashers aren't airtight. You see the steam coming out during the dry cycle?
@Adamsmasher: True. It's really simple: The danger is either tiny or zero but if it bothers you, the remedy is simple: Use a headset.
I look at this way: If I see a $1 coupon for something I will buy anyway, I ask myself, "If someone offered to give me a dollar to cut out a piece of paper, carry it with me, bring to the store, and present to the cashier, would I?"
You could also use Star-San, available from home brewing suppliers, to disinfect water bottles. Very effective, inexpensive, and leaves no taste behind, even if not well rinsed.
We just had a large company meeting and they made a no laptop rule at any of the sessions! I was pretty sure that wouldn't fly, but to my surprise, it was almost universally obeyed. We had a few cheating with a phone but even that was in small numbers.
@Maave: Or self-adesi The 3M hooks with their "Command" adhesive work well and can be completely removed when you no longer want the hook.
The biggest advantage is that it gets you away from supermarket spices. Several mail order purveyors provide product that will amaze anyone who is used to the megamart's spice rack. Penzey' cinnamon alone is worth the trouble of ordering on the web. (Penzey's also has retail outlets in some areas).
I have this app on iPhone and it is amazing. Works well and once you get used to the mouse cursor in the middle of the screen and the contents move as you mouse around, it is remarkable how usable it is.
Even better advice: Detail it when you first think about selling it. You'll love your "new" car and that may delay the desire to sell.
@Sumpington: Yes. I hate Armor-All. When I did use it, I diluted it 50-50 with water and it had the scuff-reducing qualities without making the dashboard feel like french fries.
@B_Dizz: ;;; — cool trick!
My screensaver doesn't count?