
One trick for using the on-camera flash is to set the camera to reduce flash exposure.

"Don't put easy tasks on it just to check them off. "

@billy61: True! But those who believed in anti-wrinkle creams will not be affected by data.

I have several ThermaWorks products and they all are well made. The Thermapen is terrific but expensive.

This is silly. You can halve your sunscreen expense by only using it on the side of you that is facing the sun.

@helixed: I don't have a specific model but at my work, we're using a nice chair that I am pretty sure is under $200. Check office stores and Costco — I have seen quite a few that I think would fit your needs.

@wickedcupofjoe: Give it a try. The one I had was in normal room light. There were east-facing windows 8 feet away.

I had one of these (bought, not made) and those little shrimp lasted 12 years!!! They weren't ghost shrimp. These were read and very, very small (a few mm long).

@psychiccheese: No. Glass bottles are inexpensive. Think about beer and soft drinks in glass bottles.

@Kaiser-Machead: I'm thinking his wife sharpens it when he's not looking.

I like this. I did something similar using blocks of wood and screws but gluing the separators to the drawer liner is slicker and easily removable. I am thinking now a Velcro strip on the drawer liner and Velcro patches on the blocks would be even nicer.

Ditto on Aeropress. My article on it:

Read the instructions. Yes, even for mundane appliances, like a dishwasher or coffee maker. You will usually find care instructions. Some will useful, some no more helpful than the classic "to clean, wipe with a damp cloth."

Low angle is a great trick in general. Especially good with pets and children. Most photos look down on the subject and by taking an unusual viewpoint, the photos are more interesting.

@moe52: Rule 1 in web design: If people whined so much that you have to add "click here if you don't like this," then you'd best rethink the design.

Now if you can get rid of gallery view, I'll be happy!

Great article. One point for those who are often sleepy is that you may have a sleep disorder. Take the Epworth Daytime Sleepiness test (takes like three minutes) and if your score is high, find a sleep specialist.

Also: Pre-heat the broiler. You may think it's hot once the coils are glowing but it's still heating the oven ceiling and walls. Give it 10 minutes.

That thing about green potatoes being toxic is overstated. Very mildly toxic — just cut away what's green. Mild sprouting is no big deal but more than a little means the potato will be soft.

@BOHICA: That's one I wish I took.