@Nicholas Bess: You could wipe the windows with your iPad!
@Nicholas Bess: You could wipe the windows with your iPad!
@Sean Young: Bugs — frequently it would break and I had to upgrade; more steps and longer time to login. OS X's native VPN takes a fraction of a second and it's click, password, you're there. Not even an app to launch.
@Daniel Edelman: Oh, yes. I don't think anyone was thinking it represented a sample of the population.
@JAKE1960: "Low rub" ink has been standard for about 15 years, I think. Maybe 20.
Vote: OS X built-in.
The best way to prevent odor in the disposer is to simply run it longer. Run it until the sound tells you it's done, then another 15-30 seconds.
Yes, it's gone now. It was there at 2 PM (Pacific time) but now that they have unveiled their latest deal, Squeeze is no longer free, it seems.
@psavas: Yes, it's gone now. It was there at 2 PM (Pacific time) but now that they have unveiled their latest deal, Squeeze is no longer free, it seems.
Ask friends.
@Joseph Nally: See my post above to get a serial number.
@sassafras_: See my post above. It's still free.
And note that it's for Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) only.
To get it for free, go to the MacHeist link, click on one of the blue folders near the broken crate image. Follow the instructions. It will take you to Twitter where I think they want you to post something but you don't have to. Go back to MacHeist and your serial number will be there.
@Brainy142: Hugely!! I calculated it but I don't remember the numbers. Even when I used pricier ingredients like pistachio nuts rather than peanuts, the home made ones cost quite a lot less.
@unf0cused: Yes, I made the recipes from that episode. They were good. The best thing is you can freely change ingredients and amounts and as long as you keep solid, sticky, and liquidy components in roughly the same fraction, it works.
@cpt.snerd: The nice thing about it is that you don't need to buy it all at once. Start with the box and then watch the sales. I used to read the Sears ad each week and buy anything I expected to need someday. Within a couple of years, I was pretty much done.
Another comment. There was an article a few months ago in which someone advocated the use of simple slides, typically with just one word. The screen does nothing more than tell the major idea, in the broadest sense. The details all come from the speaker and people must pay attention to the talk, not to the PowerPoint.
Excellent point. Many times I have been in a meeting waiting for some computer or projector snafu to be resolved. Nothing could proceed without the damn slides.
@will.burns1: That's funny. I built a Mac from an old fish tank.
@TheCrudMan: Ahh, thanks for the inside lingo! And yeah, I loves my "gaff tape"!