“read or otherwise deal with ever(y) email soon after they arrive”
“read or otherwise deal with ever(y) email soon after they arrive”
“Tell us—if you can manage to somehow navigate the ads and actually get our comments to load.”
Just like the number of children crushed by shelving units is tiny compared to the number of buyers of shelves. But that’s missing the point.
I don’t fully understand this. Can’t you just not watch them? There are a lot of very popular things that I won’t ever enjoy...so I just don’t spend any time or money on them.
Well, I’ll give them this. Their music hype game is good.
I scrolled along and the comments appeared about 50 books earlier than I expected. Is December 2019 really this barren?
Psst you forgot to list Warren as qualifying
Good for Pete Davidson! It’s about time he stood up to people coming to see his shows! I, for one, will help him out by not going to them. Take that, audiences!
Yea! Barf Bag is back!
Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.
So, they’re sentient cats.
>> Cute Animals, But The Management Sucks
More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters
I know this comment isn’t related to any of the headlines in the post but I am truly sad that Deadspin is over.
No amount of pictures is ever enough
I don’t really have anything to add - just trying to drive up visitor metrics and site interactions for these Stick to Sprotz stories.
“Hannah Erhart, who quit Juuling for safety reasons and because it was becoming a more expensive habit than smoking, it’s back to smoking”
At least they’re different sports lol.
They’ll write about whoever is President. Can you name one time in history that people didn’t write about the POTUS? Can your dimwitted little mind think father back than 2 years?