
So toss Bill out? And toss everyone to the right of him out as well? You realize that makes winning elections near impossible.

You live amongst several hundred million other people whose votes count and whose views are diverse. You gotta have a really big tent.  

The left’s ability to chew up and toss out anyone is quite off-putting. If there isn’t room for Bill Maher on the left, then I shall defer to the late/great Bill Paxton:

This guy wears a rug, right? And/or colors his hair? We need answers!

Did you write this on a cellphone? Does your comma button not work? Are there no editors for this site? Grade: D. See me after class.

Trump and/or his buddies will be involved in the private company. In short: Money.

“after 9/11 basically said we deserved it and called the hijackers heros.”

fyi, white people say it when they are in their cars singing/rapping along to music.

Another triggered snowflake. Yall are everywhere.

Yo snowflake, you are all triggered. Please go back to your safespace. Thx!

so triggered you are posting pics. awesome LOLOOOLL!!

Ahhh another triggered snowflake makes an appearance! Love you, precious. Welcome to your safespace. :)

LOL says the triggered kid who has posted how many comments here?? HAHAA you precious snowflake being all triggered and shhhhh

HAHahaha why so triggered bro? You precious little snowflakes need your safespaces.

Wow. He triggered the hell out of you. You poor thing... you gonna be ok?

You just let it all hang out didn’t ya. Wow. Thanks for proving the point so completely.

Recommendations for inspection companies when looking at a car across the county?

Love the triggered Boston fans in this thread. Hey snowflake, do more!

You Boston fans got some tiny dongs.

This is a con. A CON. Americans ain’t gonna buy these things in any significant quantities.