Rontanamo Bay

Way to put a whole lot of words into my mouth that I didn’t say: I’m not obsessed with the greys, it’s just a useful way to prove that the editors of the website you’re reading think my contributions to the comments are useful and yours are not; I didn’t claim I was a “fucking saint” because I admitted I wrong, I was

“Exploited” is the wrong word. Just because we are aware that gameplay loops cause certain neurotransmitters to fire does not mean we are being exploited. That would imply we continue willingly to lose something and get nothing in return, and all the games I play are way more than a dopamine looper. Even Diablo III.

“Security concerns”? Really? So either 2K trusts some professional games journalism organizations more than others to not leak (and apparently none outside America), or that’s total bullshit. Either way, not a good look.

If you bothered to read any of my other comments on this or any other article I’ve commented in the five years that I’ve been out of the greys, you’d find that I’m only a cunt to people who are a cunt to me first, as you were, and every other comment I’ve made is perfectly polite, and always substantive. I’ve even


I know. When assholes and trolls make absurd comments that are easily proved to be the opposite of how most people feel (just look at how many people recommended my and Megablastoise’s comments, and then compare those numbers to how many recommended your reply, and you have the proof), I try to match their level of

Yeah.  I suppose it’s reddit, so it’s folly to hope that it would have been higher on the list, and we should be happy that it’s there at all.

Ha! Your comment is absurd and you deserve to stay in the greys, but given how many other people have already agreed with me (and Megablastoise) on this thread right here, it might be good for your comment to be seen for how dumb it is by as many people as possible.

Ok, I think I got it now. I think what was confusing me was the idea of upvoting the post but downvoting the comment, since I don’t use reddit.  I guess it is kinda funny, now that I understand.  Thanks for the help!

Yeah other people have mentioned MGS as the prime counterexample. That franchise was never really my thing.

See, I disagree that there is no particular reason. The reason is that there are so many different types of games with very disparate gameplay styles, and if one must choose a single greatest game, it is imperative to evaluate them in relation to their medium because that is perhaps the only way to directly compare

I have seen Avengers: Endgame, as well as having read the Infinity Gauntlet comics when they were published in 1992. I still don’t quite get why it’s a joke, but I’ll take your word for it.

Oops.  My bad.  Sorry, Scotland!  I loved your country when I was there in 1999.  Good luck with your dipshit PM!

I don’t know who that is, but I also don’t know anything about theology, so I give you a star so you are heard.

I was curious, so I started looking at the other comments. The fact that the third-most downvoted comment holds that distinction is a sad and clear statement on the pettiness, sense of entitlement, and immaturity of many gamers. It is a completely reasonable response from a person who clearly cares about the

Just rewatched this episode since the season is now on Netflix. It is incredible, and the only thing that holds it back from being a perfect episode of TV IMO is the title. The whole Jeremy Berimy concept doesn’t really make sense as presented, and they don’t try hard at all, and I don’t understand how it is

I guess it’s just coincidence that I’ve never played any of those games that kept the Japanese configuration (or played very, very little of them). I’m not a MGS fan, so that does track.

Interesting argument, but as a professional musician, I would never, ever describe music performance as consumption of entertainment, as one is doing when one plays a video game. That’s how games are unique: One is consuming the game by actively manipulating it.


Oh seriously??  I had no idea.  That is bizarre.  Thanks for the info!