
OH! I thought his power was Being The Only Compelling Actor On The Show After They Ruined Claire's Dad. My mistake.

4th wall breaking is a better power.

I think it's a more egregious crime that instead of buying 6-packs, he could be saving himself the hassle of cutting the plastic and extra trips to the store by just buying a 30-rack. People, if we're gonna be low-class alcoholics with poor taste, can we at least be efficient low-class alcoholics with poor taste?

A far worse war crime is the fact that you're willingly purchasing and drinking Coors Light. What are you? 15?

am I the only one alittle freaked out that the US has killed over 1600 people with flying drones that have mostly been unreported to the media

Anarcho-syndicalism. Could it actually work. We will never know because the state and the capitalists will always crush it

I love the episode where the entire bridge crew decides to shame Barclay for using the holodeck the way every single person would actually use the holodeck.

For humanity, I want post-scarcity tech and world peace. But, come on, deep down, I want this far more:

Seriously, though. Can we take a second to delight in the fact that filmmakers are using technology that actively encourages actors to get down on all fours and unabashedly just go to fucking town at PRETENDING TO BE A DRAGON, in more or less the exact same way you'd expect a child to do while, say, playing with her

I love that he got down on hands and knees so that he could really go into full dragon mode.

Charlie Jane, given that douchey Mr. Card will probably make a sizable amount of money from this that he can direct toward his own loathsome causes, what makes it okay to go see this otherwise apparently incredibly appealing movie?

It looks amazing...
Still not going to pay to see it. Card isn't getting any more of my money.

Too bad this movie has been tainted by the author's rampant homophobia.

We have no children and expect to have some...considerable assets...when we shuffle of the mortal coil.

Many words are failing me right now. Perhaps this was their muse.

She's very beautiful. <nerd>But that uniform looks even better</nerd>

Here I thought io9 was about science, technology, the future, comics and awesome geek/tech culture. But no, lets have another judgmental witch hunt on some people who did nothing legally wrong and when realized they did something that bothered people they apologized. BUT NO! look! they are wearing camo and are