
So they didn't announced hardware at a software keynote and conference? NO WAY?!

Farewell, Mythic. I hope everyone realizes that regardless of how they felt about their games, this is a company full of people and those people have all just gotten a huge shock. If you've ever been laid off before, you know the feeling.

Shoes are one of the things I try not to skimp on. You should spend money on things that come between you and the earth: shoes, mattress/linen and tires.

I relate to that feeling, Tina. In my mid to late teens I had no problem watching gore and ultra-violence. However, sometime in my early twenties I noticed a strange turn, things kinda started to bother me a bit more. Not overwhelming, but just a sort of uncomfortable sensation while watching films. Now in my late

This is one of the all-time classics... they brought Starbuck back from the dead and revealed four new Cylons at the end of BSG season three, and the writers have admitted they came up with this at more or less the last minute, figuring they would explain it all later.


Why do I have the feeling this has something to do with KanColle?

This is a good opportunity to not make bigoted comments or claims that betray a basic ignorance of how gender identity and/or human biology work.

William Gibson's Bigend Cycle starting with Pattern Recognition. Only barely sci-fi but that is really what defines this era of science fiction for me. We still have epics and space opera but all the best works, to me, are examining the occurring/near future. Gibson continues to show an uncanny ability to chart human