Mitch Kelleher

This looks like the website that companies give employees to select their end-of-the-year or anniversary “bonus” gift from.

This is a weird submission. Restoring an old car is always going to be ridiculously expensive. Especially if your goal is to only use factory parts. The reason for this program is to get the car back into the condition it needs to be in to be road legal again. Japan has very strict laws for vehicle road-worthiness,

The only equitable solution is to increase (or for some states, implement) registration fees by vehicle weight. And it shouldn’t just be EVs. It is insane how many 6,000 lb trucks are being driven willy nilly around for no reason other than people want the equivalent of the new 60s luxo-barges. Every morning at my

Almost exactly what happened to the Rivian in the Gif. The barrier looks fine (well other than whatever held it down broke loose), but the truck jumped over it like a stadium truck.

And if someone wants to point out how heavy semis are and therefore the exponential damage they cause should mean no big deal about the EVs’ weight”

As I’ve harped on before, the sheer weight of all these goddamn heavy EVs is going to crunch asphalt and buckle bridges at a rate that’ll make you curse the damage they’ll do. The magic formula:

Rather poorly. Pretty much as though they aren’t even there.

That’s all assuming that people will actually use the power to pass slower moving traffic. In my experience, they will just ride the ass of the slow moving vehicle for endless miles, close enough to ensure anyone who wants to get by needs to pass at least 2 vehicles at once.

Raise your hand if you’ve been popped for reckless driving, careless driving, or similar for far less and/or with thinner evidence.

I’ve been pinched for doing donuts in an empty, snowy parking lot, for example, and on another occasion for ‘somebody claims to have seen you intentionally drive through a leaf pile on

There is something very, very deeply off with him, but I can’t figure out what it is specifically.

My partner is one of the smartest and most successful people I know and I am baffled by how much she loves tiktok. Every night while we are winding down before bedtime, she watches tiktok and youtube videos and 90% of these people giving “advice” are either complete morons who have no idea what they are talking about

Something about his face sets off my “scammer” alarms.  Maybe the fake smile with dead eyes?

*Dealers shouldn’t be allowed to spec their cars

I think you have it backwards. Being a narcissistic man baby drives Elon’s drug abuse as he tries to escape from reality that doesn’t quite subscribe to his version of events.  This is the dude we’re talking about that set $44 billion on fire so he could lord it over a bunch of online tweeters that made fun of him.  He

This is what you get when your crazy billionaire designer didn’t grow up in 1980s America. If he had, this is what the Cybertruck tires would have done:

FYI to those interested:

Those aren’t Musk’s ideas, though. Tesla existed before Musk, and Tesla doesn’t make anything that I want to drive. Re-usable rockets have been talked about since the 90s. SpaceX based their design on previous designs from NASA.

The number of people willing to lick the boots of dimwitted narcissists is always so shocking to me. "It's just Elon's way of saying be better parents" get the f out of here he's suffering narcissistic injury and lashing out it's not complicated and it's definitely not to help anyone including himself. 

Whether Tesla’s sudden vaporization of the Disney+ app is the result of Musk’s petty squabble with a corporate rival or just his effort to force random children to “touch grass” is unknown