1337 MR2

Hot taek.

Sadly, electric locomotion does not guzzle tons of fuel for the elite Bentley owner to conspicuously spend money on (a quick swipe of the Amex Black Card, Jeeves!).

New York hipster blog writing, man. Duh.

Beigekreig continues! :D

Doesn’t make it any less idiotic.

As you were, leftenant!

Bentley is dead. Long liv- Nah, f*** Bentley. And f*** the rich, snobby, aristocratic bulls**t that perpetuates garbage like this.

** insert Samer Kalef raging about something inane and random here **

News flash: White man writes angry article about angry black man writing article about black people.

Oh but the headline SHOULD read that.

Because he basically is! Ed Hochuli has been throwing flags to pad his own Vegas bets for decades now.

I liked Adore, for whatever that’s worth. <3 90s Pumpkins.



If I’m running a MLB ckub, I’m hiring this guy as a batting coach as soon as he retires. Contact contact contact

Chris Evans has been a knob for ages. He’s still a knob. Now he’s just a knob with stupid fashion glasses and even dumber fashion clothes. Every time he opens his mouth, I get a “nails on a chalkboard” feeling.

Oh snap! Gawker/Deadspin pull the trigger on longform with a HUGE scrolling graphic, at long last! :D

The game was sold out. *shrug*

Vogelsong’s been in the majors for ages. The experience card does not apply here.

Anything that shames or brings embarrassment to the shit hole known as LA is a good thing.