William Sean McFly

I have the exact opposite feeling. I despise the PS1. I think my copy of Madden 99 is still trying to load. Oh, my memory card just died.

I think calling it mental illness is incorrect.

Maybe originally, but it’s been co-opted to mean “MY JOB IS ESSENTIAL TOO!”

If you live in Paradise, what do you have too look forward to?

Not necessarily. A lot of people live off of social security alone.

Doing so for gains would actually make total sense. If you could give a “moderate” like Susan Collins a rather insignificant cabinet post, then the Maine governor (a Democrat) gets to appoint her replacement.

Do not do this. By law, student debt is not dischargeable. What you are doing is in effect refinancing your student loan. Therefore, if you pay any part of your tuition or loan money with a credit card, the credit card company can fight you in court. (also why you should never ever pay for your tuition with a credit

I think us olds who grew up with battery-powered saves in their NES/SNES carts always thanked the good lord whenever our games loaded. It was years before I would ever finish LofZ because the save would never last long enough. 

On a side note, that TIE-Interceptor training course where you have to shoot the mines down can die in a fire.

I’ve only played one or two rounds where the clock ever became important. I focus more on coins than time.

I’ve been playing SMB since 1985.

Slightly off topic, but the picture at the top is of Monument Valley, which is not part of the National Park System. It’s Navajo territory.

I was never lucky enough to have a Game Boy. My parents spent enough money on my NES (and the Atari before that), and so that WAS GOOD ENOUGH.

I would love to know what super-advanced technophile society you live in. Best Buy’s website lists only 1 4K TV under 32" and 34 TVs at 720P.

I don’t know why there would be a need to rush to 4K. Most TVs being sold at your average Best Buy or Walmart are still 1080's. Moreover, it’s not a very Nintendo thing to care about future-proofing their current console.

Unconstitutional violation of the 1st, 8th, and 15th amendments. Unfortunately, there would have to be a case sent to the Supreme Court for them to review it. Hopefully it never gets that far, but it would be overturned rather quickly.

By the end of April, Michigan was 3rd in the nation in number of cases. Today, we’re 18th in total and active cases, despite being 8th in population. In total cases per capita we rank 37th.

I like a Governor who will try bold ideas on times of emergency and who will put their ego aside and change course if they don’t work. The purpose was to keep people out of stores, and to limit the time people spent in a store. You know, to keep people from needlessly transmitting a lethal virus.

To be fair, The Gretch is also pretty fucking good at being Governor too.

The Spanish and Portuguese started the whole Atlantic Slave Trade thing. I say let’s kick them out of the Western Hemisphere.