Mister Fox

Shouldn’t it have been dropped because it is a defense of patriarchal organization? It’s an idea laden with a lot of problems from erasing misogyny in a certain class of men, giving power a biological basis, and obscuring and then shifting the idea of male entitlement onto men perceived as being of lesser status?

Did they also get refunds for the hotels and flights they spent money on? crybaby

So she knew for a week that the show was a dud and waited until people had boarded flights to Vegas to actually cancel? Ok.

No, it never meant that - you are correct. This definition from Vice gets it pretty well:

Pretty sure this is representative of his “energy”

BDE is no longer a quick way to signify someone is cool and has a big penis.

Right, so the “lesson” isn’t the result of keen observation of human behavior but a direct result of the movie being by hacks.  Which is kind of my point.

The lesson that I would take from these two people getting together and having a successful relationship isn’t about the healing power of love, but that one or both of these people didn’t really believe their “extreme” beliefs all that strongly in the first place.

If there was ever, ever anyone who illustrated the exact opposite of BDE, it’s Trump. Trump has LDE. He embodies the petty, paranoid insecurity of a man who knows he’s a loser.

for showing love can bridge political divides

I suppose it depends on the man. Some seem to have only served so they can remind you every 2 seconds about it while others you would never know unless they choose to tell you. Then the jobs, like you point out, probably factor in somewhere.

Very brave to shaft everyone who bought tickets.

What the fuck?!

Yes but how would your hypothetical world without police work exactly?

I don’t think that’s a very good idea. Can you explain to me how it would work?

Free Iraqi people, he’s shipping off to help free Iraqi people. Don’t you remember how they were greeted as liberators? Remember? The statue came down, and then Bush was on the flight deck to do a Mission Accomplished? Remember? And they found the WMDs? And then Obama got elected? And nothing happened in Iraq again?

Bean’s comments are as ignorant as you’d expect form a privileged white male, who’s had a stellar career.

It took a mere 50 years after Marlon Brando spontaneously raped someone during a sex scene for the film industry to say maybe we should consider doing the bare minimum to protect actors and make them feel safe on set.

Tell it to Maria Schneider ya tool. 

Oh ffs if you want spontaneity during a sex scene maybe get a love life?