
"You're unlikely to find a more impressive incomplete pass"

That would explain how Randy Johnson made it in. He's always been a big lefty.

As a Republican, Curt should be less concerned with where his votes are coming from and more concerned with suppressing them.

THIS is the face of perpetual "all I know is..."

It's pretty laughable when someone says they know the law and demands an apology for a peaceful protest.

If we're all supposed to honor and respect you for being big strong men willing to take a bullet to enforce the law and protect the public, maybe you shouldn't undercut that by being hysterically overreactive crybabies about the slightest implication that maybe somebody in your ranks is doing a shitty job?

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

To a lesser extent the same was happening at Comic-con. There were people hired to stand in line for the exclusive only to resell the items on Ebay. They were even getting fraudulent disabled badges so they could stand in both lines. At the Hasbro booth I literally saw two people in wheelchairs trampled on by people

Fucking Kevin. There's always gotta be at least one

You know how if you watch an episode of Star Trek or whatever and there's a redshirt in a dangerous situation? They die and you aren't surprised at all and maybe even roll your eyes and say "ugh saw that coming a mile away". It would be nice for women to not be redshirts, so that countless stories don't start with

You know there's been a lot of criticism of Kinja media lately and in turn, the role of blogger like platforms like this site. But here is where it holds its own and earns my respect. I am in Australia and following this with appalled, well . . . horror and incredulousness.

The best place I am getting my news from at

It seems like there's a simple solution: don't allow html in burner posts. Only text. It seems like this would be super easy.

Waiting for mustachioed newcomer Werdna Elddib to take the boat racing scene by storm.

Partly why I have notebooks full of cd/dvd/bluray backups of everything I get my hands on

Jason Whitlock and logical stance are two words I would never use in the same sentence. As a black man who has listened to hip hop, I haven't killed anyone, raped anyone, done drugs or anything. The problem with Whitlock is he seems to think he's smarter than he really is. From his constant ass kissing of Jeff George

They lost this game because Kawhi Leonard was ineffective at both ends of the floor. Parker and Duncan did their part in this game to put them in a position to win. You're blaming the wrong guys.

I see so many people knocking LeBron for whining to refs, and yet, I see Duncan make this exact face like 4 times per game.

I'm seeing a lot of people saying "Why is this a problem?".