With the installation of insulation, do you plan on adding a wall/window AC unit at all, to help mitigate some of the desert heat? I know that the cool air can be lost with the bay door open, but it just gets so damn hot there in the summer haha.
With the installation of insulation, do you plan on adding a wall/window AC unit at all, to help mitigate some of the desert heat? I know that the cool air can be lost with the bay door open, but it just gets so damn hot there in the summer haha.
Maybe he should be blaming Sony, since they decided to sell it in the first place. Or himself for signing off on it. He had to know that if it went to Apple, the theatrical release was history.
Good to see that toxicity is still alive and well in the gaming industry.
With lane splitting being legal here in California, I expect every person who buys this bike to immediately turn this feature off.
To be fair to Logitech, the C920 is typically only $60-70, but with the pandemic greatly increasing the need for webcams as more and more people work from home, markup is rampant. At this point, the best webcam (outside of the huge supply of no-name webcams now available on Amazon), is the one you can actually get…
To be fair to Logitech, the C920 is typically only $60-70, but with the pandemic greatly increasing the need for…
Agree 100%. I totally understand why they would choose to recast, but the voice is so distinctive, there’s no way someone else can duplicate it. It will be worse than when Maude Flanders was recast after contract disputes with the original actress. I almost wish they would have just introduced a new character instead.
Life hack - use a damp wash cloth and wipe down the grill after using a bristle brush. That way you still get the superior grill cleaning that bristle brushes offer without the worry of ingesting an errant bristle.
Life hack - use a damp wash cloth and wipe down the grill after using a bristle brush. That way you still get the…
Yeah, you hit the nail on the head.
Very impressive considering we’re talking X360 hardware. I’d kill for a new LOTR trilogy game on modern hardware.
Pretty impressive. The skin looked a little off out of the water (more plasticky than fleshlike), but other than that I couldn’t see any noticeable differences, and even that is really nitpicking. Now I want to see a robotic Orca.
Great, now I really want to see someone make a minivan/sport bike duo where the bike is side mounted and the rider can hop on by sliding open one of those glorious van doors and disengage the bike, all while at speed. Maybe the next Fast and Furious movie can have this sweet setup and stunt?
Fair enough, though your number assumes everyone in your household is using a mask every day of the week. We have 3 in my household, yet it’s mostly me going to the store, going to pick up food, etc. Sometimes my wife is out as well, but my son has left the house a total of 2 times in the last 4 months. So for us…
Or, just make sure you have enough masks to get you through the week, then throw your masks in the laundry with your normal clothes load. Use a a delicate bag to protect them from moving parts, and then just take them out partway through your dryer cycle so they don’t get over dried. Why waste time hand washing and…
Depends what precautions the theatre is taking to protect their staff and customers. If masks are required (except when eating/drinking in theatre), cleaning protocols are increased, people are distanced enough when seated to feel comfortable, and HEPA filters installed on their HVAC equipment, I would consider going…
Shocking that a neighbor wouldn’t want their property value being brought down by the house with all the rusted out shitboxes scattered across the lawn.
More for me then! But still, big soft oatmeal raisin cookies... mmm.
The ones at Disneyland are pretty legit too, but if you had them just about anywhere other than Cafe Du Monde, you did yourself a disservice. Beignets are amazing.
Scones definitely belong at the rear. But I will defend Oatmeal Raisin Cookies with my life. Those things are delicious.
Those were my exact thoughts. Not a fan of blacked out headlights, but the rest of the car actually looks really nice, though you still have the crappy internals of a PT cruiser. But from the outside, they did a fantastic job.
I wish they would have titled it Miles Morales: Black Lives Matter just to piss off the “All Lives Matter” incels.