
At a certain point Franco made every new baby girl in Spain be required to have Marie as her middle name because it was his mom’s name, also because he was an asshole dictator

I work in Ayurveda (alternative medicine) taught to me by Indian physicians. One day a lady came to me and asked

All of this bullshit comes from our general population’s scientific illiteracy. It’s scary how little students are expected to know about biology and medicine by the time they graduate high school. Most are totally incapable of comprehending how vaccines work. At the end of the year, I devoted two entire lessons to

I know popular opinion is to shit all over anyone not in favor of Western medicine, but it is a bit out of hand. And I know I will be shit all over for saying that. Vaccines save lives. I am not arguing that point in the slightest. My mom is anti-vaccine, not because she thinks they cause autism but because our friend

Reminds me of my fathers favorite thing to tell me when I was growing up: “Just because you believe you’re right, doesn’t make you any less wrong.”

Please repeat this to yourself as needed, because it is absolutely the biggest obstacle in American public discourse: an uninformed belief, no matter how strong the conviction, does not deserve a seat at the table next to informed fact. The notion that someone’s beliefs must be honored, considered and ultimately

Are you being sarcastic here?, because from your other comments here and elsewhere I want to think you are but I am confused enough to just ask instead of assuming either way.

The top 3 donor levels are:

I make up to $90 an hour modifying peoples bodies from my home. My story is that I quit working at walmart to work with craigslist and a box cutter and with a little effort I easily bring in around $40h to $86h… Someone was good to me by sharing this link with me, so now i am hoping i could help someone else out there

If there’s no penis though... wouldn’t it be SFW?

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And now, Benedict Cumberbatch plays a hurdy gurdy with Jimmy Page and Robert Plant.

if you're ever in phoenix, I highly recommend the Musical Instrument Museum. It's mind-expanding

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Reminds me of the music from the old PC game Magic Carpet