
My PI didn't get tenure until after I finished my masters' ... I think it was actually good because he was still "hungry" and really cared about doing good work. I found that some of the older tenured faculty were a bit more detached... not all of them of course, but as long as they have a good track record of

That or find a program that will pay your tuition + a stipend to do research.

If they know what's good for them they'll pay Vince Gilligan an obscene amount of money to at least consult in the writers room.0

Me too. Bought a house last year, and the credit card use piled up with all the little projects since. So many expenses here and there that added up. Thankfully said house also is giving us a large refund this year, through the magic of the mortgage interest deduction!

I don't necessarily agree with point #1. From personal observations (and my own experience), a lot of the time students who worked for a few years in between undergrad and grad school were better adjusted and able to handle things. I for one appreciated being a student much more than if I would have muscled through

Make sure to enjoy your time in grad school. Yea, the workload can suck, and I had plenty of late late nights finishing up my master's thesis ... but it was also the last time I could set my schedule on my own terms. Take a month off in the summer to travel the country? Take long weekends here and there to visit

At this rate Cruz is going to have to settle for a kinja blog as his official campaign website.

Wait ... I thought the post on Gawker last night said she's not mentally ill?

Now playing

"If someone wanted to recut that "Sasha freaks out and kills all the zombies" scene, but adding the narrator of Halo multiplayer, you'd be doing the world a favor. Someone really needed to be yelling "KILLTACULAR" in the background there."

Seriously did Rob just dis Trent Reznor?

Tom Beren-gar.

"Pinot Noir, Roseanne Barr"

Party like it's 6/6/2006 with the good Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne!

Now playing

I think we know what Apple's end game is here.

Amazon Prime yo.

GPS watches for running etc. - Garmin most prominently - have been out for over a decade, and are probably worth mentioning.

"Abraham runs to her, picks her up, puts her in a construction vehicle and lets her cover him while he just starts chopping dead heads with an axe"

Aw I miss Bored to Death. I could watch Ted Danson and Zach Galifianakis get stoned every week.

Easy way to increase fruit consumption : smoothies. I usually make them with fresh bananas and frozen strawberries (4lb bag from Costco FTW). Add in a spoonful of peanut butter, some unsweetened yogurt, and a bit of liquid (almond milk, etc). You can even add some spinach or kale if you want to add a vegetable

I understand that, and mistakenly thought most carriers bundled visual voicemail apps these days. Does seem like there are plenty of Play store apps out there to solve the problem though.