
Interesting. I thought every carrier had a visual voicemail app available for android (that is if you're not using GV for voicemail, which is the better option anyway), and that no one had to actually call voicemail to get a message. I guess I was wrong.

I've always just used google voice. And if not both carriers that I've had (Verizon and Sprint) have voicemail apps for android that negate the need to actually call voicemail.

Which voicemail program is that? Google Voice let's you swipe away notifications, no?

"I'm taking by evidence that my kids didn't even had a cold since then."

Hooking up your computer to the tv is a pretty shitty solution if your tv is mounted on the wall and you've spent time hiding the cables, hooking it up to a sound system, etc ... not to mention devices like the Roku are designed with nice simple interfaces for streaming on tv, as opposed to a desktop OS. I'm sure

"Why wouldn't people just plug their computer into their TV?"

Will it Chromecast off said Apple devices? Or is the only option to get it on the big screen an Apple TV or hdmi cable via laptop (or tab-cast, which kindof sucks)? And they better have Roku app in the pipeline as well...

Yea the only streaming stick I can think of that has native volume control is the Chromecast.

Yea the only streaming stick I can think of that has native volume control is the Chromecast.

Affirmations from Tony the Toilet Buddy to kickoff a smooth weekend!

With android it's easy enough to sync/back up everything to the cloud, no need for microSD backup. Pics = Google+. Music = Google and Amazon music. Contacts are all in Google contacts.

student loan interest isn't complicated. You don't have to itemize to deduct it. For other situations I agree, hire a pro, but if your only 'complication' is student loan interest, tax software (or heck just fill out the 1040a pdf) is fine.

student loan interest isn't complicated. You don't have to itemize to deduct it. For other situations I agree, hire

Best way to hedge risk would be to spread out that $5500 evenly over the course of the year, no? For long term (retirement) investing I think that's generally the best strategy - just keep depositing on regular intervals (ie monthly) instead of trying to "optimize" the best times to buy.

Your last sentence did a nice job to sum up why everyone hates Duke. Fans of less-hateable teams don't brag about how committed and well rounded they are.

Same reason dipshits across the country are Yankees and Cowboys fans.

Blame Entourage.

Nope ... that's Questlove.

My trusty chef's knife:

+1 internet for excellent Futurama reference